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Old 08-10-2014, 03:45 PM   #1
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Default Need help with BES bringing down all user settings, trying to troubleshoot lockup

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I've got an 9810 (Torch) that has started locking up and causing all kinds of problems. I've stripped off all the apps I can, reloaded the OS a few times tried going back to factory settings but when I run an enterprise activation I get all the settings back.

Is there a way I can do an ent act and not have it restore all the BB settings but give me my email? I'm trying to grab another 9810 on eBAy just in case it's the hardware. They are pretty cheap. (65 bucks)
Old 08-10-2014, 07:36 PM   #2
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Default Re: Need help with BES bringing down all user settings, trying to troubleshoot lockup

If the BB works before BES activation I would say the cause is some load or restriction the BES is loading. Talk to the person or group controlling the BES and see if your settings are correct and if they "claim" they are ask for them to check against another users settings.
They could also be loading a corrupted App and not even realize it is bad.
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Old 08-11-2014, 01:42 PM   #3
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Default Re: Need help with BES bringing down all user settings, trying to troubleshoot lockup

contact your BESAdmin and have them remove your BES account. then after 30 minutes (to clear the database) have them add it back in again. then your settings will not be restored anymore.
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It doesn't even matter

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