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Old 10-31-2007, 12:10 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by BallHawk3 View Post
Easy, crack.

There's crack in it. Injected into the housing and absorbed through our hands.

Ok seriously...I've gone through NUMEROUS blackberry trainings. I've fell into with the company and the device. I just think the company is great and like the way they operate.

This put it this way, blackberry hasn't really WHORED out their product like other cellphones do, you don't see mass commercials on TV. Heck actually I don't think i've ever seen a blackberry commercial, not even sure if I've seen an ad like for t-mobile selling it. Considering that, they've done very well.

It's more like this, Blackberry doesn't need to come to you. People come to the blackberry. I've sold many blackberry's during my time in the cellphone bizz. And everytime someone came in for a blackberry its always something about, "i've heard that the blackberry can...." "my friend just got a blackberry and...." "people keep telling me about the blackberry and." That is just powerful! All from the word of mouth. Most people didn't even have a clue what it is, just a friend of theirs told them....YOU NEED A BLACKBERRY, and they came to a store with no clue and after that, blackberry customer for life. It was never no "I saw the RAZR was on sale for $49.99" or "that phone is buy one get one free."

Blackberry is just great. They built a device to certain customers needs. Which is why its soooo appealing and attractive for someone who needs the device. They don't try to sell to the masses and to just about anyone, thats not who they want. They want a customer that is actually going to use it, and to someone it will actually benifit for, a customer that will keep on using. Thus their loyal customers (until something better comes out LOL).

Blackberry isn't for everyone. Find out what its about, and see if it suits your needs and it is what you are looking for. Don't buy a blackberry solely based off cause its cool or the newest and hottest thing. Goto a store, and hopefully you can find some reps who have had training in blackberry and are knowledgable and can answer your questions.

Nice one .. but even if you do happen to go to a store with reps who can't answer your questions about a BlackBerry, you can always come back here and there will be tons of people who possibly can and more. I think having a powerful forum is also a big plus in addition to having a smartphone that actually works!
BES 4.1.5 for Microsoft Exchange | Exchange 2003 SP2 | 1 user only
Old 11-01-2007, 11:38 AM   #22
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As an IT admin, it helps me stay a little more organized at work and keep up on emails.
Old 11-01-2007, 02:06 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by eZainny View Post
Having said that, I don't believe push email is the future (for a variety of reasons - I'll detail why in an upcoming blog post
I for one would be interested in knowing why you think push email will die a slow, horrible death,
Old 11-01-2007, 02:26 PM   #24
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It is a calculator that can send emails, what more can I say than that!?

All kidding aside, the speed of receiving emails coupled with the chat applications that are available make BBs ideal for my work and personal life.

... and all on my calculator! =)
Old 11-01-2007, 07:50 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by obeythelaw View Post
I've never used or owned a BB but want to get one when the new Pearl2 comes out for VW. With a few "smartphones" out there, why do many people choose the BB? Seriously, why do people here love theirs? Is it because its easier to use than a Palm Treo, for example? Does the BB Pearl have full HTML web browsing capability?
Personally, I love the way messaging works. It is no fuss when compared to Windows Mobile. I have used MANY smartphones, and when you get used to how the BlackBerry works with messaging, there is really no going back. At first I hated it because I thought Windows Mobile had more features, but over time I came to hate how WM handled everything.

Here is one example with a holster. When I am on the go, I get a message, whether it be email or text it does not matter. But when I pull my BB out of the holster, it automatically goes to the last message that I got. When I put it back in the holster, it automatically shuts off. So to get my messages it is simply a matter of pull it out, look at it, then put it back in. Thats it! VERY fast. It works with the magnet sensor and all BlackBerries do it. I have NEVER seen a WM with this feature.

Another example is the sending and recieving of messages. On a WM device, to get my mail I have to go to the messages app, then go to my email account. The BB has push email without the need to have an exchange server. So I dont have to constantly have it check for email I just get it instantly. Also, sending an email is effortless. Once you get used to how quick and effortless it is to send a message on a BB, there is no going back. I find myself sending more message more quickly with my BB, than I ever did with any of my other Pocket PC devices.

Messaging is where BB rules. Other reasons are stability, performance, and simplicity. I can get around on a BB ten times faster than I could ever get around on a PocketPC or WM device.

Once you get used to it, it is just natural. There is no uniformity in WM apps. The layout is completely different, and you have to learn each app. On a BB, they pretty much work the same, and the menu is in a very accessible place in each app.

WM may have some cool programs, but if the overall experience is not as enjoyable, the cool factor goes away quickly. BB experience is very fast and enjoyable. I choose it over anything else. When you get yours, take the time to get to know and use it. You will find it will grow on you. Dont look at it and say ... "bleh this is not as cool". You will love it.
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Old 11-04-2007, 04:27 PM   #26
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I have to say, I have been surrounded by friends who have migrated to blackberry, mostly for email use. I've been holding on to WMo for a while, until recently my phone broke (screen cracked) and I said what the heck let me try a blackberry.

I used a curve for about a week, then went back to a WMo (currently the AT&T Tilt), mostly because my main email is through exchange. But damn, I have been slowly missing the really does grow on you. The simplicity, the reliability, and the fast emails!

I'll be going back to the Curve tonight, and may never go back to WMo again!
Old 11-06-2007, 04:25 PM   #27
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Default You can use exchange with BB

Just go through the email setup and download Mail Connector. It will allow you to receive exchange emails on your BB.
Old 11-06-2007, 04:37 PM   #28
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Is your Exchange personal, business or hosted? I'm using hosted Exchange from The Message Center Exchange Hosting. For another $9.95/mo, I have full hosted BES through them. If your Exchange is being hosted, perhaps they offer something similar.

I also migrated from WM (which I didn't hate) and haven't looked back. (Peeked, maybe.) Despite the myriad of things you can add to and play with on the WM devices, I miss the BB's straightforwardness when it comes to doing what I bought it for -- phoning, email and messaging. The BB ruined me.
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Last edited by LarryH; 11-06-2007 at 04:39 PM..
Old 11-06-2007, 07:26 PM   #29
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Push e-mail
Ease of use

Anything else is just "icing on the cake."

- CB
Old 11-06-2007, 07:51 PM   #30
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First, I got a BB because I was looking for a device with a full qwerty keyboard that I could comfortably use while messenging.
I tried out WM devices when WM5 was standard. I tried to like it but found it clunky and counterintuitive. Not everyone feels this way about WM5 but that's how I feel.
Then someone suggested I scope out the BB, so I went to a store, played with an 8700 and that sold me. It made sense. It was intuitive (as much as a smartphone can be).
I also needed something with reasonable calendar functions. At the time I had a crappy old first gen iMac at work (just today they put a brand new one on my desk ... it will be friends with my BB soon) and there just wasn't a calendar app for the computer to help me keep track of appointments.
Then, I set up my BIS e-mail with my personal and work accounts, which I discovered to be amazing and useful beyond belief for my line of work as well as being a mod on a forum (not here, of course, heh).
That was May 2006 and I haven't looked back since.
In recent months I've played with WM6 a bit.
First I had a Sprint Mogul. Hated the touchscreen. Hated the bulk. I got that shortly after getting the Curve and despite being more usable with WM6 than previous PPCs I'd played with, it still drove me nuts. I used it for two weeks and happily parted with it.
I had an unlocked T Mo Dash but I found it didn't play well with being on at&t for me and I couldn't be bothered to make it work. So, I sold that after two weeks of use.
For about six weeks now I've used a BlackJack which I upgraded to the leaked WM6 ROM. When it worked, I liked it, but it didn't work all the time so it's getting shipped out to its next owner on Thursday.
I plan to try out either the Pantech Duo or the BlackJack2 because I am insane.
Before I got BB I had a Palm PDA and I just can't bring myself to go back to that OS.

After trying everything else, I just keep going back to my BB. It just feels comfortable. It works. It does what I want. It doesn't make me angry. We have a very good relationship.

I wouldn't recommend it to everyone but if you want a device that is messenging centric that offers organizational tools and a phone plus other nifty media features the BB is for you.

Good luck in your research.
With my Bold, I'm just an e-mail away.
Old 11-06-2007, 11:52 PM   #31
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Default Simply the best

I used a Treo with WM before and thought I loved it. After about 2 days with the new BB I will never go back. I am using an exchange server and the email/messaging cababilities are amazing. The 8830 device is amazing. I have not had to restart the device yet and I've been using it over a month now. I was constantly reseting/rebooting the Treo.
Old 12-18-2007, 07:59 AM   #32
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Once you get that first pushed email, its a done deal.
Old 12-23-2007, 08:12 AM   #33
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I started with an Audiovox 6600 (freebie from Bell) then moved to a Treo 650 (freebie from Bell). Both had terrible battery capacity, needed frequent reboots due to locking up, etc.

When I started at my new Job, had a Blackberry 7100... then moved to an 8700... then a 8310... and now a 8320.

The Blackberry's have never needed a reboot, never locked up. They are fast, have lots of applications for them.

I bought my wife an 8700 and now we stay sync'd with each other's calendars. She loves it.

Old 12-23-2007, 09:13 AM   #34
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I just recently sold my iPhone and got the Blackberry Curve 8310. The iPhone was great... nice screen, great camera, full IMAP support... but the basics were either implemented in a bizarre way or not implemented at all. I couldn't rely on the iPhone for work (law enforcement) so I ditched it for the Curve. I had a Blackberry Pearl before, so it wasn't difficult to go back to Blackberry.

What's new for me this go 'round is Hosted Exchange/BES. Nice! Love it! I may never leave Blackberry again! So now, not only can I rely on my phone to work when I need it, including e-mail, but I can also rest assured that my data (calendar, contacts, notes, tasks, and e-mail) is both secure and safe on a remote server.

Ah... sleeping well at night again.

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Old 12-23-2007, 09:32 AM   #35
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Everything = BlackBerry
Old 12-23-2007, 06:16 PM   #36
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Why do people love thir BB?

Because my BB loves me first! and because when you absolutely positively have to get your information- BB is king!
Sheepdog-Protecting the flock!
still using *yawn*
Old 12-24-2007, 02:57 AM   #37
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Wirelessly posted (7130e: BlackBerry8320/4.2.2 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)

I don't have a problem saying I love my bb. It's super reliable and covers all avenues of communication. You can't go wrong with a blackberry.
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Old 12-24-2007, 07:35 PM   #38
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two words: try one.
Old 12-24-2007, 11:01 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by LarryH View Post
I also migrated from WM (which I didn't hate) and haven't looked back. (Peeked, maybe.)
Larry, Larry, Larry... you've done more than peeked lately. Haven't I saw you in the HowardForums ATT smartphone device forum lately with a shiny new Motorola q9h???
Old 12-24-2007, 11:32 PM   #40
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I checked out that forum just to see what it is. This forum is so much better. I realize these guys needs a few ads to pay for the site, but that other place is way over the top.

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