Yup I'm also thinking that service book has some "key" that make object push locked.
Originally Posted by pandusetiawan
Hi..I just got my 9780 about a month ago.About 3 days ago,my bluetooth connection are getting weird.the object push service are missing.I try to upgrade OS,it works for a moment,but after I restart the device,object push are missing again.I try security wipe,same thing happened,it run smoothly transfering the file from&to my 9780,and there is object push service on the bluetooth properties.but after I restart the device,it's gone again.
Anyone can help me with this?are there any service book I have to delete?are there any relation with the service provider?because about in the same time the bluetooth started acting weird..the browser are have a problem too...sometimes I have to delete Blackberry Internet Browsing Service from service book or the browser won't get connected.
Any help will be very appreciated.Thank you in advanced.
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