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Old 06-06-2007, 04:02 PM   #1
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Default Blackberry Activation(s)...

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Does anyone else experience trouble with Enterprise activations? It usually takes 3-4 tries before the activation actually contacts the's typical to see "Server not responding" messages upon Enterprise Activation....

Just wondering if anyone had tips to make Activations go smoother....

BES is 4.1.3....this happens on all types of devices when running the Enterprise Activation...

Any suggestions?
Old 06-07-2007, 11:00 AM   #2
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Old 06-07-2007, 11:23 AM   #3
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Depending on what stage it fails, cause might be different. See bellow:

Identifying and troubleshooting enterprise activation problems
Doc ID : KB05202
Last Modified : 2007-05-25
Document Type : What Is

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* BlackBerry® device
* BlackBerry Device Software 4.0 through 4.2
* BlackBerry Enterprise Server software version 4.0 and later


* This article identifies troubleshooting steps for problems that may occur during each stage of the enterprise activation process.

Stage 1 - Activation

There are several potential problems that may occur during the activation stage.

Problem 1

The BlackBerry device stops responding for 10 minutes while displaying an Activating status. The BlackBerry device tries to begin the enterprise activation process again every 10 minutes, displaying a Retrying status each time. After 40 minutes, the BlackBerry device stops re-trying and displays one of the following messages:

* The server is not responding. Please contact your System Administrator.
* An error has occurred. Please contact your System Administrator.

This problem may be caused by one of the following:

1. An incorrect password has been typed on the BlackBerry device 10 times.
2. The BlackBerry device user account mailbox is full, or the messaging server cannot send or receive messages.

Troubleshooting: To determine if the BlackBerry device user can send and receive messages, the BlackBerry device user can try to send and receive a message using the email client on the computer (for example, Microsoft® Outlook®).
3. The email address used to start the enterprise activation process has been entered incorrectly.

Troubleshooting: Confirm that the email address entered on the BlackBerry device is correct. Using the correct address, start the enterprise activation process again.
4. The BlackBerry device failed to generate an Email Transfer Protocol (ETP) message.

Troubleshooting: Perform a hard reset of the BlackBerry device or install the most recent version of BlackBerry Device Software. To perform a hard reset, remove and reinsert the battery in the BlackBerry device. After performing a hard reset or installing the BlackBerry Device Software, try the enterprise activation process again.
5. The BlackBerry device user account has not been added to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, or the BlackBerry Enterprise Server administration account does not have appropriate permissions to the BlackBerry device user's mailbox. As a result, ETP.dat activation messages are collected and retained in the email client.

Troubleshooting in a Microsoft Exchange environment: Use the IEMSTEST.exe utility to check the administration account permissions. For instructions, see KB02091.

Note: For information on permissions for BlackBerry Enterprise Server in a Microsoft Exchange environment, see KB02276. For information on permissions for BlackBerry Enterprise Server in an IBM® Lotus® Domino® environment, see KB01469.
6. The email message filters on the BlackBerry device are configured to not redirect messages from the Inbox folder of the email client, or the ETP.dat activation message was moved to an Inbox subfolder by email message filters.

Troubleshooting: Remove the filters that move ETP.dat activation messages from the Inbox folder. In BlackBerry Desktop Manager, confirm that the filters in the Redirector Settings are redirecting messages from the Inbox folder, then try the enterprise activation process again.
7. The password set in BlackBerry Manager or in the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Management console was not applied correctly.

Troubleshooting: To determine if the password was applied correctly, close BlackBerry Manager or the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Management console, then open it again. Confirm that the correct password is listed in the BlackBerry device user's properties. If the password is not present, verify that the Microsoft SQL Server? permissions are correct. Make sure that there are no network connectivity issues on the Microsoft SQL Serverxxx8482;, then confirm that the correct Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version is being used. For instructions on determining the MDAC version, see KB03259.
8. If a BlackBerry device user forwards messages to a second BlackBerry device user, the ETP.dat activation message is sent to both BlackBerry device user accounts. When the BlackBerry Enterprise Server scans all BlackBerry mailboxes, it cannot determine which BlackBerry device user is using the BlackBerry device because the ETP.dat message has been sent to two accounts.

Note: BlackBerry Manager points to a different BlackBerry Configuration Database (or BlackBerry Configuration Database location) than the BlackBerry services. To confirm this problem, compare the BlackBerry Configuration Database information in BlackBerry Manager with the information that appears on the Database tab of the BlackBerry Server Configuration Utility.

Troubleshooting: Do one of the following:
* Remove the second BlackBerry device user from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. When the first BlackBerry device user completes the enterprise activation process, then add the second BlackBerry device user to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server again.
* Prior to starting the enterprise activation process, disable message forwarding until the BlackBerry device user has completed enterprise activation.
9. For Microsoft Exchange, one of the following problems may occur:
* Messages are sent to the BlackBerry device PST folder; therefore, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server cannot access the enterprise activation message.
* The ETP.dat activation message is deleted or modified by an antivirus application or message blocking software.

Troubleshooting: To determine if changes are made to the ETP.dat message, send the BlackBerry device user a blank .dat file from an external email address, then have the file forwarded back.

Problem 2

The BlackBerry device continuously displays an Activating status.

This problem may be caused by one of the following:

1. The ETP.dat activation messages sent from the BlackBerry device to the BlackBerry device user's email address do not arrive in the Inbox of the email client.

Troubleshooting: Check for BlackBerry device user defined filters, spam email message control, or junk email rules that may block messages from arriving in the Inbox. Confirm that the BlackBerry device has the correct signal type and signal strength for sending data - test BlackBerry device personal identification number (PIN) messaging to confirm this. Send a test enterprise activation request to an external email account (for example, MSN® Hotmail®) to confirm that the ETP.dat activation messages are being sent.
2. The BlackBerry Enterprise Server administration account does not have the correct permissions to access the BlackBerry device user's mailbox and retrieve the ETP.dat activation message.

Note: The ETP.dat activation message must arrive in the mailbox before the administration account will be notified that the message has been received.

Troubleshooting: Check the permissions based on the prerequisites for setting up an administration account. For more information, see the BlackBerry Enterprise Server: Installation Guide.
3. The BlackBerry device user agent is not started for the BlackBerry device user attempting to perform an enterprise activation. Therefore, no agent is scanning for messages in the BlackBerry device user's inbox.

Troubleshooting: Remove and re-add the BlackBerry device user to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. Restart the BlackBerry Dispatcher and the BlackBerry Controller, then restart the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.

Important: Restarting certain BlackBerry Enterprise Server services will delay message delivery to BlackBerry devices. For more information, see KB04789.
4. The enterprise activation process was not completed.

Troubleshooting: In Microsoft Windows® Services, restart the BlackBerry Policy Service and the BlackBerry Synchronization Service on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. Confirm that the BlackBerry Policy Service and the BlackBerry Synchronization Service have started. If they have not started, start them again. Restarting these services allows the enterprise activation process to be completed.
5. The BlackBerry device is not registered on the wireless network.

Troubleshooting: Reset the BlackBerry device by removing and reinserting the battery, then register the BlackBerry device on the network. Check the BlackBerry device for a registration confirmation email message. When the message arrives, the BlackBerry device should be registered on the wireless network and the enterprise activation process can be completed.

Note: For instructions on registering the BlackBerry device, see KB00510.

Problem 3

The BlackBerry Enterprise Server has network problems or connectivity errors.

Troubleshooting: In the Event Viewer of Windows Administrative Tools, check the Application log for related errors.

Problem 4

In a Microsoft Exchange environment, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server has problems with the Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI), or an incorrect version of the MAPI32.dll file is installed on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.

Troubleshooting: To determine the correct version of the MAPI32.dll file, see KB02542.

Problem 5

The BlackBerry device is not in an area with sufficient wireless network coverage and displays an Activating or Retrying status.

Troubleshooting: Test network connectivity by sending a PIN message from the BlackBerry device.

Problem 6

The BlackBerry device is not provisioned properly.

Troubleshooting: Send a PIN message from the BlackBerry device to verify if the BlackBerry device is activated for standard wireless data. Also, the BlackBerry device may not be activated for enterprise traffic. Contact your service provider to confirm that the BlackBerry device has been activated for enterprise traffic.

Problem 7

The ServerConfigHistory table may contain incomplete tasks for the BlackBerry device user. This may prevent enterprise activation from being completed. This only occurs if the BlackBerry device user has already been added to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.

Troubleshooting: Manually run the BlackBerry Configuration Database cleanup agents on the Microsoft SQL Server to clear the incomplete tasks, then begin the enterprise activation process again.

Problem 8

The BlackBerry Enterprise Server was not installed using the BlackBerry Enterprise Server administration account, as specified in the BlackBerry Enterprise Server: Installation Guide; therefore, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server may not have the appropriate permissions to log in to the BlackBerry device user's account. As a result, the enterprise activation process does not start.

Troubleshooting: To correct this issue, see KB04426.

If the ETP.dat activation message is not received by the BlackBerry Enterprise Server and the administration account permissions are correct, the following error may appear in the Application log:

User <BlackBerry_device_user_name> not started.

Troubleshooting: Stop and start the BlackBerry Router, BlackBerry Dispatcher, and BlackBerry Controller in that order. This forces the BlackBerry Controller to assign the BlackBerry device user to an agent. The ETP.dat activation message should be processed several minutes later.

Important: Restarting certain BlackBerry Enterprise Server services will delay message delivery to BlackBerry devices. For more information, see KB04789.
Stage 2 - Verifying encryption

If a BlackBerry device running BlackBerry Device Software 4.0 or later is activated on a BlackBerry Enterprise Server that is set to accept only Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption, the following error message appears on the BlackBerry device:

Activation error: Contact Service Administrator

Troubleshooting: BlackBerry Device Software 4.0 only supports Triple Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption. Set the BlackBerry Enterprise Server to accept Triple DES encryption, or move the BlackBerry device user account to a BlackBerry Enterprise Server that accepts Triple DES encryption.
Stage 3 - Receiving Services

There are several potential problems that may occur when the BlackBerry device displays the Services Received status.

Problem 1

The BlackBerry device stops responding and displays a Waiting for Services message. This may occur because the BlackBerry Policy Service is not running, or it cannot send the IT policy or service books to the BlackBerry device.

Troubleshooting: Restart the BlackBerry Policy Service.

Problem 2

The BlackBerry device rejects the IT policy that is pushed from the BlackBerry Policy Service. The enterprise activation process is stopped due to security restrictions. The BlackBerry device contains an IT policy from another BlackBerry Enterprise Server.

Troubleshooting: To remove the IT policy key the BlackBerry device user should delete all the data on the BlackBerry device using the Wipe Handheld option. For instructions, see KB03218. This allows the BlackBerry device to accept an IT policy from a different BlackBerry Enterprise Server. After deleting all the data on the BlackBerry device , remove the BlackBerry device user account from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, then add the account again.

Problem 3

The enterprise activation process stops responding because the BlackBerry Enterprise Server has network connectivity issues or Microsoft SQL Server errors.

Troubleshooting: Check the Application log for these types of errors.

Problem 4

The following error message is displayed on the BlackBerry device:

An error has occurred, please contact your system administrator

This message is displayed because the Enterprise Service Policy is enabled on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server and the BlackBerry device PIN is not listed in the Enterprise Service Policy list of allowed PINs.

Troubleshooting: Contact your system administrator to have the PIN added to the list of allowed PINs.
Stage 4 - Slow Synchronization

There are several potential problems that may occur during the Slow Synchronization stage.

Problem 1

If the BlackBerry Synchronization Service is not running, the slow synchronization process does not start. After the calendar synchronization step of the process is complete, the slow synchronization process will stop responding during the Initializing step.

Troubleshooting: Restart the BlackBerry Synchronization Service.

Problem 2

The slow synchronization process stops responding because the BlackBerry Enterprise Server has network connectivity problems or Microsoft SQL Server errors.

Problem 3

The BlackBerry Synchronization Service does not start because the Microsoft XML Parser (MSXML) is not installed, or the correct version of MSXML is not installed.

Problem 4

If content protection is enabled on the BlackBerry device, the BlackBerry device may suspend the slow synchronization session.

Troubleshooting: Do one of the following:

* Disable content protection before starting the enterprise activation process.
* Install the latest BlackBerry Enterprise Server software version (including the most recent service pack or hotfix).

Problem 5

The Disable Wireless Bulk Loads IT policy is enabled on the BlackBerry device, or Wireless Synchronization is disabled on the BlackBerry device.

Troubleshooting: Check the BlackBerry device user's IT policies to determine whether the BlackBerry device is activated. Make sure that the Disable Wireless Bulk Loads IT policy is not enabled and that Wireless Synchronization is enabled. For more information on the Disable Wireless Bulk Loads policy, see KB04294.

Problem 6

If several BlackBerry device users attempt the slow synchronization process simultaneously, the process may take a long time to run or may time out (depending on BlackBerry Enterprise Server load and messaging server performance).

Problem 7

The Desktop [SYNC] service book is corrupt.

Troubleshooting: Restore the Desktop [SYNC] service book using the following steps:

1. On the BlackBerry device Home screen, click Options.
2. Click Service Book or click Advanced Options > Service Book (depending on what BlackBerry Device Software version you are running).
3. Highlight the Desktop [SYNC] service book.
4. Click the trackwheel and select Delete.
5. On the Are you sure? dialog box, click Delete.
6. Click the trackwheel and select Undelete.
7. The wireless synchronization process will begin again, but will occur in the background.

Additional Information

If the troubleshooting procedures in this article do not resolve the problems described, contact your service provider for information about the DBClean tool.

For instructions on how to perform an enterprise activation for a BlackBerry device, see KB03674.

For more information about the stages of the enterprise activation process, see KB10578.
Old 06-07-2007, 11:26 AM   #4
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Has this always happened, or is this a new issue that started happening?

One thing I always do (not sure if you're doing it since you didn't mention it) before I activate a device is a Security Wipe (even if I just took it out of the box), then send a PIN message from it (to my device) to ensure the data provisioning has gone thru.

99.9% of the time, doing those 2 steps ensure a successful activation on the first try.
No longer a BES Admin, but it was fun while it lasted!
Old 06-07-2007, 11:54 AM   #5
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Originally Posted by juwaack68 View Post
Has this always happened, or is this a new issue that started happening?

One thing I always do (not sure if you're doing it since you didn't mention it) before I activate a device is a Security Wipe (even if I just took it out of the box), then send a PIN message from it (to my device) to ensure the data provisioning has gone thru.

99.9% of the time, doing those 2 steps ensure a successful activation on the first try.
It's always happened pretty much....I haven't been wiping the device right out the box...usually I'll do a wipe if I'm swappin out devices. I'll wipe the old and new device then

I'll try your suggestion though...thanks..
Old 06-07-2007, 12:07 PM   #6
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Also if you have high volume of incoming messages waiting to be delivered in queue server exchange or firewall that might cause this as well. Because activation email does not hit user inbox right away and HH is waiting for response back. If it does not get it back to a HH quick enough it will just time out and give you error you described.
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