View Poll Results: What will you or have already purchased? (you may select multiple choices)
I am waiting for the Playbook, that is the device I want
121 |
70.35% |
I will purchase a Windows 7 tablet
4 |
2.33% |
I will purchase a Android tablet
9 |
5.23% |
I will purchase a iPad tablet
8 |
4.65% |
I have purchased an iPad/Android or Windows 7 and do not care to replace it with a Playbook
10 |
5.81% |
I purchased an iPad and will repalce it with a Playbook
14 |
8.14% |
I purchased an Android tablet and will replace it with a Playbook
4 |
2.33% |
I purchased a Win 7 tablet and will replace it with a Playbook
2 |
1.16% |
I do not need a tablet, and do not plan on purchasing one in the future,
17 |
9.88% |
11-11-2010, 05:00 PM
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Will you purchase one?
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Will you purchase a BlackBerry Playbook or will you go after a Windows 7 tablet, Android Tablet or iPad?
11-11-2010, 08:39 PM
BBF Spam Killer Moderator
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I would love to have a Playbook, but it depends on several factors including price and my budget, also the carrier, if it's going to have 3G or 4G.
11-11-2010, 09:06 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Maybe. I want a device that will allow inking.
11-11-2010, 09:09 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Originally Posted by daphne
I would love to have a Playbook, but it depends on several factors including price and my budget, also the carrier, if it's going to have 3G or 4G.
The Playbook won't be tied to any carrier. It won't be 3G or 4G.
It only has WiFi, or it can tether to your existing BlackBerry via Bluetooth.
11-11-2010, 09:33 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I thought a 3G (or possibly) 4G model was rumored at some point, but not just at launch.
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
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Even a mosquito doesn't get a pat on the back until it starts to work.
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11-12-2010, 07:04 AM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
The playbook is what I want, at least right now. I will buy at least one...or rather at least once. My plan is to buy two at lauch, one for me and one for my wife.
I do less an less on a full desktop nowadays, carry a netbook when I travel, and do email and 90% or more of web browsing and reading feeds on the blackberry as it is....in other words, I'm almost entirely mobile now. I'd like to carry something even smaller and lighter than the netbook that can make up that other 10% and more.
I also want to get away from windows in all its incarnations. I don't want to use apple, and really don't want to use android. And as I'm almost entirely mobile anway, and I like blackberry and the way RIM does things, and this new tablet OS sounds promising, I think this may be the way to go for me. So I'm going to wait on it and give it a try.
- Ira
11-12-2010, 08:30 AM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I am going to wait to check the Playbook out first, but will most likely buy one (I hope...depending on price). I do NOT want one with 3G.... Wi-Fi only will work just fine for me.
No longer a BES Admin, but it was fun while it lasted!
11-12-2010, 08:30 AM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I voted "do not need at this time" but am looking at the Dell Streak. A bit smaller than others, but has integrated 3g, wireless also flash 10.1 and android 2.2.
11-12-2010, 08:58 AM
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE LAUNCH! Yep, I'll be one of the idiots in line for it the first day. I'm not waiting for the rush to die down....
still waiting...
11-12-2010, 09:32 AM
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Originally Posted by AZsteelman
I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE LAUNCH! Yep, I'll be one of the idiots in line for it the first day. I'm not waiting for the rush to die down....
still waiting...
Nah. Point and click. Pre-order. I can wait on amazon.com to ship.
Posted via BlackBerryForums.com Mobile
11-12-2010, 09:34 AM
Thumbs Must Hurt
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The playbook will be amazing if it lives up to its potential. I will get one for home and maybe an android as a second for home to be able to have both at home.
Posted via BlackBerryForums.com Mobile
11-12-2010, 02:37 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Originally Posted by jsconyers
I thought a 3G (or possibly) 4G model was rumored at some point, but not just at launch.
Yes, I did hear or read that too.
11-15-2010, 12:12 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I still don't understand what its big benefits will be for normal business people. Probably better to surf the web than on a regular BB. But I have a laptop that I take on long trips and I cannot see the Playbook taking the place of that. For short trips, I just take my BB. Maybe it would be nicer to have a Playbook too but just does't seem worth $400. If I am missing some big benefit, please let me know. I will refrain from voting until I get more info.
11-15-2010, 07:37 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I will buy one, BUT I would really just rather get Flash player and Java support on my Torch. If there was a Torch 2 coming out instead with a bigger screen and better battery life (than the Torch) that had this platform and features, I'd prefer that.
11-15-2010, 09:46 PM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I'm going to wait until I see one in person, try it out, and read the reviews by early adopters (not paid reviewers). If it's anything like the hype, I will replace my iPad with one.
11-16-2010, 04:37 AM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
I never thought I would want one tabblet cause I dont see much use for myself but after hearing about what will come on Playbook... ARGH, GIVE ME ONE ALREADY!!!
Lets see if the rumors are true and if so, mine should be already named! I'm very pleased the way it's.
11-17-2010, 12:30 AM
Thumbs Must Hurt
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All ya gotta do is watch the video posted today on youtube showing the side by side comparison to the ipad and YIKES! I already wanted one, but this really should sell any "fence sitters".
Posted from my BlackBerry using BerryBlab
11-19-2010, 07:46 AM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Depends on what the damn thing actually is. I did not climb on the iPad bandwagon due to it's lack of a built in phone and the fact it was tied to at&t. This is a case of wait and see.
There is no Hope. She left last week.
11-19-2010, 10:15 AM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
Originally Posted by TBOLTRAM
Depends on what the damn thing actually is. I did not climb on the iPad bandwagon due to it's lack of a built in phone and the fact it was tied to at&t. This is a case of wait and see.
Is the iPad really tied to ATT? I find it strange that it is sold unlocked here in Canada. Is it locked to ATT as well?
11-19-2010, 10:27 AM
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Re: Will you purchase one?
No, Verizon is now carrying it as well. And I also believe they have a WiFi only version that's not tied to any carrier. Walmart is now selling them too.
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
When you take things for granted, the things you are granted, get taken.
Even a mosquito doesn't get a pat on the back until it starts to work.
Too many people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold.
[BES 5.0.3 / GroupWise 2012 HP2]