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Old 07-20-2009, 10:03 AM   #1
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Default Web Desktop 5 no application loader

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I am running BES I am trying to let my users upgrade their BB using Web desktop Manager. But with the WDM 5 there is no "device Software" tab or application loader. Is there an IT policy to grant it?

This worked great with Web Desktop manager 1.0.1. Any ideas???
Old 08-13-2009, 12:47 PM   #2
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Permitting users to update the BlackBerry Device Software using the BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager

To permit users to update the BlackBerry® Device Software using the BlackBerry® Web Desktop Manager instead of the BlackBerry® Desktop Manager, you can install the BlackBerry Device Software on a shared network folder, create a software configuration, and instruct users to update the BlackBerry Device Software using the BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager.

Advantages of this update process include:
xxx8226; You can automate the BlackBerry Device Software update process so that users do not have to complete update tasks for BlackBerry devices that they connect to their computers using a USB connection.
xxx8226; You can use software configurations and application control policies to control when software updates occur and to specify which users receive the updates.
xxx8226; You can update BlackBerry devices remotely.
xxx8226; Users do not require BlackBerry® Desktop Software on their computers to perform this update option.

Disadvantages of this update process include:
xxx8226; You cannot require that users update the BlackBerry Device Software.
xxx8226; This update option increases traffic to the shared network folder.

1. Install the BlackBerry Device Software

You must install the BlackBerry® Device Software on a computer so that you can create a software configuration. You use the
software configuration to distribute the BlackBerry Device Software using the BlackBerry® Web Desktop Manager, BlackBerry
Administration Service, BlackBerry® Desktop Manager, or over the wireless network.
Before you begin:
xxx8226; Obtain the latest BlackBerry Device Software version for the BlackBerry devices in your organization's environment from your organization's service provider. The versions must be compatible with the BlackBerry devices and service provider that your organization uses.
xxx8226; Verify that users and the BlackBerry Administration Service can access the computer that you want to install the BlackBerry
Device Software on.
1. Copy the BlackBerry Device Software installation file to the computer.
2. Double-click the .exe file.
3. Complete the instructions on the screen.
4. When prompted, do not start the application loader tool.
Update Guide Permitting users to update the BlackBerry Device Software using the BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager

Create a shared network folder to access the BlackBerry Device Software
You can create a shared network folder on the computer where the BlackBerry® Device Software is installed so that BlackBerry
device users and the BlackBerry Administration Service can access the BlackBerry Device Software. The shared network folder
that you create for the BlackBerry Device Software cannot be the same shared network folder that you create for applications.
1. On the computer where the BlackBerry Device Software is installed, navigate to <drive>:\Program Files\Common Files
\Research In Motion.
2. Share the folder with write permissions for the account that is running the BlackBerry Administration Service - Application
Server service.
3. To decrease bandwidth over your organization's LAN, verify that the shared network folder is located in close proximity to
users' computers.
After you finish: Verify that the AppLoader subfolder is writable.
Configure the BlackBerry Administration Service to display BlackBerry
Device Software pages
By default, the BlackBerry® Administration Service does not display the BlackBerry® Device Software pages that permit you to
create the BlackBerry Device Software configuration. If you display the BlackBerry Device Software pages in the BlackBerry
Administration Service, the values change for the following IT policy rules in the Wireless Software Upgrades policy group, and
you cannot view or change the IT policy rules:
xxx8226; The Allow Non Enterprise Upgrade IT policy rule changes to the default value (No).
xxx8226; The Disallow Device User Requested Upgrade IT policy rule changes to the default value (Yes).
xxx8226; The Disallow Device User Requested Rollback IT policy rule changes to the default value (Yes).
1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the Servers and components menu, expand BlackBerry Solution topology
> BlackBerry Domain > Component view > BlackBerry Administration Service.
2. Click BlackBerry Administration Service.
3. Click Edit component.
4. In the Software management section, in the BlackBerry Device Software deployment managed by BlackBerry
Administration Service drop-down list, click Yes.
5. Click Save All.
After you finish: If you change the BlackBerry Device Software deployment managed by BlackBerry Administration
Service drop-down list to No, the Allow Non Enterprise Upgrade, Disallow Device User Requested Upgrade, and Disallow Device
User Requested Rollback IT policy rules display in the Wireless Software Upgrades policy group and are set to the default values.
Update Guide Create a shared network folder to access the BlackBerry Device Software
Add a shared network folder to the BlackBerry Administration Service
You can add a shared network folder to the BlackBerry® Administration Service so that the BlackBerry Administration Service
can find the BlackBerry® Device Software that you installed.
1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the BlackBerry solution management menu, expand Software > BlackBerry
device software.
2. Click Add shared network drive.
3. In the Shared network drive section, perform the following actions:
xxx8226; In the Name field, type a name for the shared network folder.
xxx8226; In the Server file path field, type the path to the shared network folder (for example, \\<server>
\<shared_network_folder>, where <server> is the name of the computer that hosts the shared network folder.
4. Click Save.
Configure the BlackBerry Administration Service to find the BlackBerry
Device Software
To create a BlackBerry® Device Software configuration, you must use the BlackBerry Administration Service to scan the shared
network folder to find the BlackBerry Device Software that you want users to install.
1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the BlackBerry solution management menu, expand Software > BlackBerry
device software.
2. Click Manage shared network drives.
3. Click a shared network folder.
4. Click Execute shared network drive scan.
After you finish: To verify that the BlackBerry Administration Service found of all the BlackBerry Device Software bundles that
you installed in the shared network folder, on the BlackBerry Device Software bundles tab, verify that the list of BlackBerry
Device Software bundles is complete.
Create a BlackBerry Device Software configuration
You create a BlackBerry® Device Software configuration so that you can create a software configuration that includes the
BlackBerry Device Software, and distribute the BlackBerry Device Software to users.
1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the BlackBerry solution management menu, expand Software > BlackBerry
device software.
2. Click Create BlackBerry Device Software configuration.
3. In the Configuration data section, type a name and description for the BlackBerry Device Software configuration.
Update Guide Add a shared network folder to the BlackBerry Administration Service
4. Click Save.
5. In the Configuration data section, click the BlackBerry Device Software configuration that you created.
6. Click Edit BlackBerry Device Software configuration.
7. In the Native application settings section, change the settings to meet your organization's requirements.
8. On the BlackBerry Device Software bundles tab, click Add BlackBerry Device Software bundles to BlackBerry Device
Software configuration.
9. Search for the BlackBerry Device Software that you want to add to the BlackBerry Device Software configuration.
10. Select the BlackBerry Device Software that you want to add to the BlackBerry Device Software configuration.
11. Click Add to BlackBerry Device Software configuration.
12. Click Save all.
Create a software configuration for the BlackBerry Device Software
You can create a software configuration for the BlackBerry® Device Software so that you can distribute the BlackBerry Device
Software to users in your organization and they can install it on their BlackBerry® devices.
1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the BlackBerry solution management menu, expand Software.
2. Click Create a software configuration.
3. In the Configuration data section, type a name for the BlackBerry Device Software configuration.
4. In the Disposition for unlisted applications drop-down list, perform one of the following actions:
xxx8226; To permit users to install applications that are not included in the software configuration, click Optional.
xxx8226; To prevent users from installing applications that are not included in the software configuration, click Disallowed.
5. If you set Disposition for unlisted applications to Optional, in the Application control policy for unlisted
applications drop-down list, click the application control policy for the applications that you did not include in the software
6. Click Save.
7. In the Configuration data section, click the name of the software configuration.
8. Click Edit software configuration.
9. In the BlackBerry Device Software configuration section, in the Name drop-down list, click the BlackBerry Device
Software configuration.
10. Click Save all.
After you finish: To make the BlackBerry Device Software available to users, assign the software configuration to the groups or
user accounts that require it.
Update Guide Create a software configuration for the BlackBerry Device Software
Assign a software configuration to a group
1. In the BlackBerry® Administration Service, on the BlackBerry solution management menu, expand Group.
2. Click Manage groups.
3. Click a group.
4. Click Edit group.
5. On the Software configuration tab, in the Available software configurations list, click a software configuration.
6. Click Add.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each software configuration that you want to assign.
8. Click Save all.
Related topics
Managing the distribution of BlackBerry Device Software, 38
Assign a software configuration to a user account
1. In the BlackBerry® Administration Service, on the BlackBerry solution management menu, expand User.
2. Click Manage users.
3. Search for a user account.
4. In the search results, click the display name for the user account.
5. Click Edit user.
6. On the Software configuration tab, in the Available software configurations list, click the appropriate software
7. Click Add.
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each software configuration that you want to assign.
9. Click Save all.
Related topics
Managing the distribution of BlackBerry Device Software, 38
Create the BlackBerry Device Software update instructions for users that use
the BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager
You can create update instructions for BlackBerry® device users so that they can update the BlackBerry® Device Software when
they use the BlackBerry® Web Desktop Manager.
Before you begin: Provide users with their login information for theBlackBerry Web Desktop Manager.
Update Guide Assign a software configuration to a group
1. Create an email message that specifies the web address for the BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager UI.
2. Consider providing the following instructions in the email message:
xxx8226; Connect your BlackBerry device to your computer.
xxx8226; Do not disconnect the BlackBerry device from the computer until the update process completes.
xxx8226; If prompted, type your BlackBerry device password. Click Next.
xxx8226; If the BlackBerry device uses a serial connection, complete the instructions on the screen.
xxx8226; If your organization's environment includes the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server for Microsoft® Exchange or BlackBerry®
Enterprise Server for IBM® Lotus® Domino®, if prompted, select the Provision the device during the loading
process option. Select the messaging server that the user account is located on.
xxx8226; If your organization's environment includes the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server for Novell® GroupWise®, if prompted,
select the Do not provision the device during the loading process option. After the update process completes, activate
the BlackBerry device over the wireless network.
3. Send the email message.

Last edited by fadmin; 08-13-2009 at 01:38 PM..
Old 08-27-2009, 07:05 AM   #3
New Member
Join Date: Jul 2007
Model: 8900
Carrier: Vodafone
Posts: 11

thanks, but I configured the service with this admin guide. I think we found the problem. BES is checking if the version of the firmware is aproved by the provider. If not you cannot install it with the new Web desktop.
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