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Old 03-30-2005, 06:32 AM   #1
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Default Sending and receiving email on the device simulator

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I want to send and receive emails on the device simulator and have them go via a real BES rather than the Email Service Simulator. Does anyone know if this is possible, and if so how to configure it?
Old 09-30-2005, 01:50 PM   #2
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Default Email Server Simulator

Check out this information below from RIM documentation.

I can get email to go FROM my BB to my Outlook on my PC, but cannot seem to get emails going from Outlook to my BB Simulator using the localhost as smtp. Any ideas?

Using the Email Server Simulator
The BlackBerry JDE includes an Email Server Simulator that enables you to send and receive email between the device simulator and either a desktop email application, such as Microsoft Outlook, or POP3 and SMTP servers. A BlackBerry Enterprise Server is not required.

Start the Email Server Simulator
On the Start menu, click Programs > Research In Motion > BlackBerry Java Development Environment 4.0 > Email Server Simulator.
Select one of the following modes:

Standalone mode
The ESS stores messages on the local file system and communicates directly with a desktop email application. No POP3 or SMTP server is required./The ESS can communicate with any desktop email application that supports POP3 and SMTP, such as Microsoft Outlook Express. The desktop email account must have the POP3 server set to localhost on port 110 and the SMTP server set to localhost on port 25.

Connected mode
The ESS polls the user POP3 email server for incoming messages, and uses the user SMTP server to send messages. Valid POP3 and SMTP servers are required.

If you select the Standalone mode option, click Clean FS to erase ESS messages that are stored on the local file system.
If you select the Connected mode option, complete the following fields:

The host name of the SMTP server that your email account uses

The host name of the POP3 server that your email account uses

User name
The user name with which to connect to your email account

The password with which to connect to your email account

Poll inbox
How often, in seconds, the simulator checks your email inbox for new messages

Complete the following fields:

The name to display in outgoing messages from the device simulator

The email address to display in outgoing messages from the device simulator

The personal information number (PIN) that is used by the device simulator (by default, the PIN is 0x2100000A)

Send an email using the device simulator
Start the Email Server Simulator. See "Start the Email Server Simulator" on page 3 for more information.
Click Launch.
Check the command prompt for detailed information on ESS startup, including any login errors.
Start the device simulator. See "Starting the device simulator" on page 4 for more information.
Open the Messages application.
Click the mouse wheel button.
Click Compose Email.
Select an email address.
Click the mouse wheel button.
Type a subject and message.
Click Send.
Load test using the device simulator
Start the Email Server Simulator. See "Start the Email Server Simulator" on page 3 for more information.
Click Load Test.
Check the command prompt for detailed information on ESS startup, including any login errors.
Note: There must be one or more email messages in the Inbox associated with the Email Service Simulator for the load test functionality to work.

Test an application that uses synchronization in the simulator
Simulate a desktop connection. See "Simulating a desktop connection" on page 13 for more information.
Note: If you start the device simulator from a command prompt, specify the /rport=0x4d4e parameter to communicate with the email server simulator.

On the Start menu, click Programs > BlackBerry > Desktop Manager.
Click the Intellisync tool and configure your synchronization settings as required.
Click Synchronize Now to test the synchronization.
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