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Old 10-22-2007, 12:29 PM   #21
Mark Rejhon
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Originally Posted by MEADOW View Post
any one can help how to setup msn on balck merry 8300
Please ask this in the "Aftermarket Software" forum.

As of now, the best MSN for BlackBerry is JiveTalk
Please do NOT reply to my message about MSN or JiveTalk but post a new message in Aftermarket Software. Click the links at the top of this page instead of the "Reply" button. Thank you!
Mark Rejhon
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Old 10-23-2007, 09:50 AM   #22
Mark Rejhon
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I just got reports that Consilent push mail works on a BlackBerry without a BlackBerry plan. It's a 3rd party mail client, that apparently supports installation on BlackBerry, and does not require a BlackBerry plan. -
Free Mobile Push Email - Consilient Push
Mark Rejhon
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Old 10-23-2007, 02:15 PM   #23
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Help I have an 8700c and I am using a pre paid plan I looked up the APN settings for cingular non contract WAP.CINGULAR etc...etc.. When I go to network setup for Opera Mini it says testing 1/20 it takes about 2 or 3 mins after which a pop up shows I have been charged a penny but opera says failure to connect. I have also noticed that when I first got the phone before I inserted my sim or anything I didn't have a browser or a medianet icon (is that a problem) also my blackberry won't update to OS 4.2 any help would be appreciated I love my blackberry but I am not getting into a new contract with cingular just to use it. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

Last edited by soliduss; 10-23-2007 at 02:55 PM..
Old 10-23-2007, 05:16 PM   #24
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hey, i just added Rogers 10MB plan and i changed my APN, but how do I know im now connected with the data? Am I suppose to use the Rogers WAP icon to use Internet or is there another icon/application im supposed to go to. Im a little bit confused lol, help?
Old 10-24-2007, 12:44 PM   #25
Mark Rejhon
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Originally Posted by superz View Post
hey, i just added Rogers 10MB plan and i changed my APN, but how do I know im now connected with the data? Am I suppose to use the Rogers WAP icon to use Internet or is there another icon/application im supposed to go to. Im a little bit confused lol, help?
You're connected if you see "gprs" or "edge" in the main screen.

No, you do not get a WAP or Browser icon (although some Rogers VISION users now see this -- you may want to test switch to a VISINO plan)

Most of the time, you need to install third-party software to use data. Go to, download Opera Mini 4, and install via BlackBerry Desktop over your USB cable.
Mark Rejhon
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Old 10-29-2007, 07:43 PM   #26
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the main reason i got the BB was to connect it up with my work email, does not having a blackberry data plan effect this or is this an issue it only an extra £14 per month so i not fussed about the cost i am trying to get away from orange and the phones locked to orange (purchased of Ebay)
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Old 10-30-2007, 03:48 PM   #27
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More new additions to FAQ made:
  • Q: I have a "Data Connection Refused" message on my BlackBerry.
    A: Ignore this message - this is only for BlackBerry server (BIS). Opera Mini and other third party applications should still work, even when you see this message. Some people report this message dissappears after several hours.
  • Q: You say BlackBerry Browser should not work. But I heard some people have BlackBerry Browser working on a generic data plan?
    A: The reports are inconsistent, and depends on the carrier. According to a few reports by Rogers Canada users, the Rogers VISION data plan actually enables the WAP browsing feature on a BlackBerry, but there actually ends up being some rather severe prerequisites on Rogers Canada, for example:
    - You need to switch to a VISION data plan instead of Navigate data plan, and VISION plans have a 3-year committment;
    - You need a recent BlackBerry such as Pearl or Curve;
    - You need a recent compatible BlackBerry operating system such as T-Mobile OS (if you install T-Mobile BlackBerry OS on a Rogers BlackBerry, don't forget to delete the VENDOR.XML file and relaunch BlackBerry Desktop.)
    - You can only do WAP browsing, not HTML browsing.
    The main advantage of using BlackBerry WAP Browser, is WAP access and the ability to download third party software wirelessly, which is the easiest way to install third party software on a BlackBerry. Opera Mini should be used for full HTML browsing.
  • Q: My Google Maps works but my IM+ or JiveTalk chat software do not work!
    A: This is usually because it's trying to login through the BlackBerry network instead of through generic Internet data (TCP/IP through the APN). You need to configure your software's Settings to connect to the Internet using "TCP/IP" instead of "BIS". Instructions on how to configure third party software, can vary from program to program. In JiveTalk, this means go into "Preferences", scroll to bottom, and changing the "Transport" setting to "TCP" instead of "BIS". The BIS connection only works when you are subscribed to full BlackBerry service, so you must make sure the third party software are using generic TCP/IP instead.
  • Q: I downgraded my BlackBerry plan to a non-BlackBerry plan. My 3rd party apps stopped working!
    There are many reasons why this may be happening. Here is a checklist:
    - Verify that you really do have a generic data plan on your account.
    - Your carrier is replacing certain generic data plans. For example, the Rogers Navigate data plan is being superseded by the Rogers VISION plan. Verify that your carrier didn't remove a discontinued data plan from your account.
    - Make sure you have a lowercase "edge" / "gprs" displayed near your reception bars in the main BlackBerry screen, and you have good reception.
    - Make sure you are running BlackBerry OS 4.1 or later (Options -> About)
    - Make sure your APN is configured properly. (Options -> Advanced -> TCP -> APN)
    - Ignore the "Data Connection Refused" message.
    - Verify your software (IM+ / JiveTalk) is configured to "TCP/IP" instead of "BIS"
    - Reinstall your third party software (i.e. Opera Mini) if reconfiguring its Internet connection does not work.
    - Not all third party software function with generic data (i.e. RIM Google Talk won't work), replace with compatible software (i.e. replace RIM Google Talk with JiveTalk instead).
    - Reboot your BlackBerry after changing plans and reconfiguring settings. (Remove and reinsert battery after saving new settings)
    - Use Opera Mini instead of BlackBerry Browser.
    - If all else fails, upgrade your BlackBerry to the latest OS version by another carrier such as T-Mobile (some people report T-Mobile BlackBerry operating systems work much better with generic data)
Old 11-01-2007, 11:35 AM   #28
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Default Gmail on Blackberry Curve 8300

can i set my gmail software so its configured to "TCP/IP" instead of "BIS"?
Old 11-03-2007, 01:15 PM   #29
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Default unblocked 7290

Can I put my t-mobile prepaid Sim card in an unblocked 7290 blackberry? If i can what won't i be able to acess? (like email or the web).

Thanks so much
Old 11-19-2007, 03:14 AM   #30
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Default Hey, Does the AT&T settings still work?

Is it still legal or will they charge me when I look at my receipt.
Old 11-21-2007, 11:11 AM   #31
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I just noticed online that gmail mobile 1.5 was released. does anyone have a way that we could install it on our blackberrys without a blackberry data plan? It says that is uses less data and it shows the bandwidth usage when loading

Old 11-22-2007, 09:32 AM   #32
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I noticed the other day that the Rogers "Do More" icon and the Rogers WAP browser icons appeared on my 8100, even though i currently do not subscribe to any Rogers data plan.

And they work.

I was even able to download the Gmail application over the air and get it running.

Am i even supposed to be able to do this without a BlackBerry or wireless data plan? If i don't have a data plan, what are the data usage charges?
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Old 11-23-2007, 02:01 AM   #33
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Hmm. Yesterday may have been an anomaly. I'm no longer able to access the network using the "Do More" app, the Rogers WAP browser or the Gmail app. :(
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Old 11-26-2007, 01:57 PM   #34
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Thumbs down You can't have the best of both worlds... according to Rogers

Hi Everyone,

I just finished talking to a Rogers Rep on the phone.
I had the 4MB/25$ plan plus a 10MB/10$ plan. This would have covered both bases for me. Using TCP direct for stuff like Opera and JiveTalk and still getting PushEmail ability.

Well when I added the 10MB plan on my already blackberry plan, the system concluded I specifically wanted to change and not just add the plan on to the existing one. (Even if it is listed in the Wireless Essentials and not part of a plan) Hence when my 10MB plan kicked-in, I noticed that my indicator on my Curve changed from "EDGE" to "gsm", back to "edge" and stayed like that. At that point no more emails were coming in via BB. I tried sending service books and such. I was searching like crazy when I decided to login to my profile on the Rogers website. I saw that my 4MB BB Data plan was gone, only to be left with my Internet Mobile plan.

Not happy about it, I phoned up Rogers Customer Service and
the guy at Rogers told me that the system does not allow me to have both.
I have to choose which world I want to be in.

So since I benefit more from BES/BB Data Sync via Exchange than the standard internet - I am back on my BB plan.
Sad, they got me pegged I guess.
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Old 12-01-2007, 09:47 PM   #35
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i had a gmail app when i had my Bb connect but now whenever it ry to log in it keeps tell me that i need a data plan when i have to regular internet plan
Old 12-19-2007, 08:10 PM   #36
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Just came across this..promising.

Specifically regarding Sprint, how would this work? I have a new 8130 that i fondly caress every now and then but i don't wan't to sacrifice the $10 EVDO vision service i have now on my Treo for a $30 BIS plan, no way.

Any specific instructions as to how to configure this for Sprint? Much appreciated.
Old 12-19-2007, 09:22 PM   #37
Mark Rejhon
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Unfortunately, it wouldn't apply to Sprint, because they are CDMA.

The instructions only apply to GSM providers. Just so you know!
Mark Rejhon
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Old 12-19-2007, 09:23 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by MissKalunji View Post
i had a gmail app when i had my Bb connect but now whenever it ry to log in it keeps tell me that i need a data plan when i have to regular internet plan
It's because it's routing over BIS. You need to erase its preferences store, or uninstall-reinstall. Then it'll automatically detect networking again, and route over TCP/IP instead of BIS.
Mark Rejhon
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Old 12-20-2007, 02:07 AM   #39
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Default A small correction


Mark, you say "BlackBerry-branded web browser won't work" on a normal plan, which is sort-of correct, but it is important for new 8320 users to know that it will work, if you're in range of WiFI...

That's how I got my device set - bought unlocked Curve, logged on to WiFi and installed all applications I needed... Now everything works either thru WiFI (BB-browser), or GPRS (Opera).

Old 12-23-2007, 04:35 PM   #40
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I was wondering if anyone has used this method on AT&T. I was wondering if the data plan I would need would be the MEdia Net ($5 for 1MB!) or the SmartPhone plans ($10 for 5MB/$20 for Unlimited). Is this all counted as the same data? The SmartPhone plans say they are for "Windows Mobile" phones only but do they really know the difference?
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