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Old 05-26-2006, 09:17 AM   #1
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Question How to stop temporary push email service

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Hi you all.
I'm just a new BB user. Before switching from my old Treo 650 I read alotta posts on this forum and I must tell you that you gave me all the right reasons to start to use this kinda device. Now, everything is ok, push email service is great and what I really need since I travel alot around the world and this give me the possibility to stay in contact with my customers. One thing. When I'm in Italy, I don't need the email to be sent to my device. Is there a way - an option, to enable/disable receiving the emails on my 8700g while in Italy?
I tried to find in the manual or trough the menu of the BB but I didn't find anything. I'm using the Blackberry Internet Service, configured with my work account.
Thanks alot to all of you, BB guru right there.

Old 05-26-2006, 09:32 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by dimache75
Hi you all.
I'm just a new BB user. Before switching from my old Treo 650 I read alotta posts on this forum and I must tell you that you gave me all the right reasons to start to use this kinda device. Now, everything is ok, push email service is great and what I really need since I travel alot around the world and this give me the possibility to stay in contact with my customers. One thing. When I'm in Italy, I don't need the email to be sent to my device. Is there a way - an option, to enable/disable receiving the emails on my 8700g while in Italy?
I tried to find in the manual or trough the menu of the BB but I didn't find anything. I'm using the Blackberry Internet Service, configured with my work account.
Thanks alot to all of you, BB guru right there.

Here's the problem: my suggestion below will work for older versions of Blackberry Internet Service (BIS) but may have to be modified for the new BIS 2.0 used by T-Mobile. Anyway some variation on this should work...

You can go to your Blackberry Internet Service (BIS) and create a filter which, with a little cleverness, can capture every incoming email. (For example, have it apply to every email that does not have the word "squeegee" in the From field...unless you know someone named squeegee.) Then have the filter deposit the emails in a subfolder which you can create in BIS and also instruct it not to forward them to your handheld.
You can then check those emails anywhere in the world by signing into BIS.

...again I'm not sure that this exact method works on BIS 2.0.
Old 05-26-2006, 10:03 AM   #3
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Wow... so there's no way to de-activate this push service from the device?
No I solved deleting my work account settings from BIS, but I just wanted to avoid doin' this everytime.

Just one thing... under settings -> Advanced Option -> Push Browser, there's some check boxes like:

(v) Enable push
(v) Enable push MOS
(v) Enable push WAP
(v) Allow applications push WAP

Is it possible if I un-check for example "enable push" that the service will stop?

Thanks, Diego
Old 05-26-2006, 10:28 AM   #4
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In the latest version of the 8700 software ( there is an option in the Network section to set "Data Services" to Off. That should allow the BB to continue to work on GSM (for voice and SMS) but with no data.

v4.1.0.309 is available for download from Telstra.
Old 05-26-2006, 12:00 PM   #5
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If you turn data services off, won't all the emails come flowing in once he goes to turn data services back on?
T-Mobile Bold 9780
PIN: 236676A8
Old 05-26-2006, 12:13 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by cooperpwc
Here's the problem: my suggestion below will work for older versions of Blackberry Internet Service (BIS) but may have to be modified for the new BIS 2.0 used by T-Mobile. Anyway some variation on this should work...

You can go to your Blackberry Internet Service (BIS) and create a filter which, with a little cleverness, can capture every incoming email. (For example, have it apply to every email that does not have the word "squeegee" in the From field...unless you know someone named squeegee.) Then have the filter deposit the emails in a subfolder which you can create in BIS and also instruct it not to forward them to your handheld.
You can then check those emails anywhere in the world by signing into BIS.

...again I'm not sure that this exact method works on BIS 2.0.

or you can set your main/default filter to "do not fowrad to handheld" when you go to Ital
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