So from what I'm seeing so far there are:
- SerialMagic, which lets your Blackberry work with a Bluetooth-enabled external barcode scanner
- Neoreader, which uses your camera to convert barcoded URLs that you take pictures of.
SerialMagic costs, and requires an external barcode reader which isn't going to be cheap.
Neoreader is free, but apparently only reads specific information? Seems maybe a bit cuecat-like except that it doesn't have the overhead of giving away hardware and it reads regular barcodes. Also, I didn't have any luck trying to read normally-formatted barcodes off the back of a book using various distances. Possibly a combination of being too close for good focus when close enough to get enough detail, combined with it only taking the smallest picture size (640x480).
Sounds like at the moment barcodes and Blackberries are still a situation of "If you have a good business reason and are willing to spend money there are options, but not so much so for home users."