my particular situation... BB - gmail - outlook *newbie*alert*
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hi everybody! coming from the world of palm - treo 755p
but... its just not cutting it anymore - used to be fun, but now.. its lagging
i'm expanding my business and i'm now heavily reliant on email
thus, the move to BB
here's my situation...
1) personal gmail acct
2) 3x "work related" gmail accts
3) google apps email acct (my domain - google handles the email, but transparent to everyone else... no one can tell)
currently, i primarily access my email through gmail's web-interface from my laptop
i "want" to operate from a desktop using outlook (with intermittent access to gmail's web interface)
i like outlook's calendaring and contact management -- and the fact that its easy to backup those PST files
(also, i like the fact that i can send HTML email from outlook)
currently, i have outlook running on the desktop - but its only being used for personal/recreational interests
i have google's calendar-sync utility running on my desktop
i like it
and now... here comes a BB into the mix
i like the idea of having simultaneous access to all of my email accts on one device (don't have to log out of one acct and log back in to another acct)
and, i'd love to have access to my calendar while on the fly
(got that set up in google apps calendar so that when i change my calendar, others see it in their calendar - its shared - kinda cool! i'd like to be able to do that from my BB)
here's what i do currently, with my treo - once every couple days i sync the treo to my desktop and my outlook gets sync'd to my treo, but that's more for backup than anything useful business-wise
and, i'd like to have constantly updated contacts with me too (again, got my contacts on my treo - but only on my treo, intermittently backed up to my desktop)
would be great to turn my desktop into a work tool - the main place i keep track of my clients contact info and my calendar
and have it also on my BB
here's what *I* want to do...
- setup outlook to IMAP with gmail for my various accounts
- have the BB also sync'd to gmail (either w/ the desktop or "through the air" (BIS) to gmail - i don't know, you tell me)
- the desktop/outlook calendar syncs with the google apps calendar - and my BB sync'd with google apps (over BIS?) --- thus keeping BB and desktop sync'd
- contacts (i have two businesses - how to keep those contacts separate?? i know how to do that in outlook - how to do that in BB though??)
truth is, i don't really understand BIS well - don't know how that all fits into the mix
i know there's such a thing as "blackberry professional" that supports 5-10 users - but i think you need exchange for that (??)
and i'm not "there" yet - not quiiiite ready for exchange
so there you are!
how would you advise me to set up my email/gmail, outlook (calendar/contacts), and the BB