So here is the deal. I have had the playbook now for about 2 weeks and whilst i love it, i have a massive problem with my bridge connection and 9700. Once set up, it works like a charm.. the problem comes when the blackberry locks and i have to input the password.. i do this, and it goes through fine, and then i get intermittent bridge connections that keep breaking off (eg, the way i test this is to go and see if my calender entries are actually in the calender. 9 out of 10 times they arent and if they are, if i move months, they all disappear.)
Is this a playbook problem or a 9700 problem? I have about a week before i can return it and get a replacement.. so if its a playbook problem, i would like to have this done. but if its a hardware problem, i will keep it and hope that 2.0 will fix it..