Exchange 2003 with BES 4.1.4 and exchange 2010 coexistence
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I currently have and exchange 2003 server with BES 4.1.4 working fine. I recently added an exchange 2010 server in coexistence mode, but haven't changed the DNS to route email throught the new exchange server yet, so that the email is proxied to the old one. All my email accounts are still on the exchange 2003 server and will be for a while, as well blackberry devices are working fine. I was wondering if when I change the DNS to start routing email through the exchange 2010 server will the blackberry devices still work the same (e.g send and recieve email) or will they become useless. I plan on implementing a new BES after this change.
I have spoke with Blackberry support but they keep telling me to upgrade to the newest version of BES first. They haven't answered my question of if they would still work for now until i can get the new BES installed.