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Old 07-30-2010, 05:22 PM   #1
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Default BES (Exchange) 5.0.2 - Issue with Invitiations

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Since upgrading from BES 5.0.1 to BES 5.0.2 (v5 sp2) - we are running into issues with meeting invitations - they show up as regular plain text emails. Checked MAPI32.DLL and CDO.DLL - most current version from EXCHANGEMAPICDO.EXE on both the Exchange 2007 server and the BES Server. Affects all BES users only on Invitations - No issues with email flow.

Get the following error when an invitation is sent to a BB user:
[30587] (07/30 17:06:54.258):{0x1FB0} {} EwsOperations::ProcessRequest - COM Exception: Code = 8004010f, WCode = 0000, Code meaning = Unknown error 0x8004010F, Source = <none>
[30588] (07/30 17:06:54.258):{0x1FB0} {} EwsOperations::ProcessRequest - Description = <none>
[40751] (07/30 17:06:54.258):{0x1FB0} {} UserControl::GetInvitationInfo - Cannot locate meeting associated with request. Sending text request
[30085] (07/30 17:06:54.258):{0x1FB0} {} New mail has arrived, EntryId=11171
[40287] (07/30 17:06:54.273):{0x1FB0} {} Queuing message, RefId=-1240855070, EntryId=11171, Posted=7/30/2010 5:06:37 PM, Delivered=7/30/2010 5:06:38 PM

Any suggestions - can't seem to find a solution to this. Also tried to reload the service book on a phone (deleting the CICAL (DESKTOP) and reloading via the BES mgmt console).

Nothing has worked thus far - is this an issue with 5.0.2 (SP2)????

Anyone run across a fix for this????

Thank you.

Old 08-02-2010, 12:21 AM   #2
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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You have to enable AutomateProcessing for each mailbox where EWS is used on the BES.
As EWS seems to be default for 5.0.2 this leads to issues as BES does not fallback to CDO in this case.

Solution 1: Use a static mailagent with CDO for these users
Solution 2: Enable AutomateProcessing
BES 4.1.7 (20 servers), Domino 7.0.3 with 19000+ users
BES 5.0.2 (8 server), Exchange 2010 SP1 with 1000+ users
Old 08-02-2010, 12:47 PM   #3
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Neo3000 - Your suggestion worked. Awesome!!! I have been scouring the Internet for a couple of days now and you are the only one that had this suggestion.

I did the following to accomplish Solution #2 as you suggested:
I decided to set the AutoUpdate flag for all mailboxes on my Exchange 2007 infrastructure (after reviewing documentation concerning this flag, it appears to be default and resetting the flag should cause no adverse affect to functionality or even be noticed by the user).
To accomplish this, I first selected all alias's in the exchange org:
$users = Get-Mailbox | Select Alias

After that, I applied the AutoUpdate flag to all Alias's in the Exchange Org:
$users | ForEach { set-mailboxcalendarsettings - Identity $_.Alias - automateprocessing:autoupdate - confirm:$false }

Once again - thank you so much for your help - your suggestion corrected our issue without fail.

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