Sharing out as this has been a common issue to many of my clients.
Article Title: BlackBerry Administration Service connects to a default SQL instance despite a named instance being specified
Article Number: KB18517
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On a Microsoft SQL Server which has both a default instance and at least one named instance, the default instance will use static ports and the named instances will use dynamic ports. If a BlackBerry® Administration Service instance is configured to point to a named instance but static ports are selected the BlackBerry Administration Service instance will connect to the default Microsoft SQL Server instance instead of the expected named instance.
The BlackBerry Administration Service will connect to a Microsoft SQL Server instance, regardless of the instance name, if it is configured for static ports and can connect to that port.
Follow the Resolution section of
KB18176 to verify the port settings on the Microsoft SQL Server and then make the necessary changes as follows.
Warning: The following procedure involves modifying the computer registry. This can cause substantial damage to the Windows® operating system. Document and back up the registry entries prior to implementing any changes.
All of the following registry values are located in the following path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\Database
If the Microsoft SQL Server is configured with a default instance the following registry values should be checked and updated as needed:
- DatabaseServerMachineName = Machine name of the SQL Server host
- DynamicSQLPort = 0
- Port = This should match the port settings on the SQL Server for this instance (by default 1433 is used)
If the Microsoft SQL Server is configured with a named instance using static ports the following registry values should be checked and updated as needed:
- DatabaseServerMachineName = Machine name of the SQL Server host followed by the instance name(ie. host\instance)
- DynamicSQLPort = 0
- Port = This should match the port settings on the SQL Server for this instance (by default 1433 is used)
If the Microsoft SQL Server is configured with a named instance using dynamic ports the following registry values should be checked and updated as needed:
- DatabaseServerMachineName = Machine name of the SQL Server host followed by the instance name(ie. host\instance)
- DynamicSQLPort = 1
- Port = Delete or rename this registry value