Recently I have deployed some servers with the Exchange 2010 beta running on Server 2008 for testing the beta before it goes public. Currently RIM does not officially support Exchange 2010 with the BES but I was wondering if anyone had gotten or seen a working instance of BES and Exchange 2010.
Currently BES 5.0 will connect to Exchange 2010 with no problem in cdomapi32.dll however when I try to EA a user the user doesn't recieve the full activation email and the BlackBerry device shows: Activating
Then it gives a generic error. I have looked into this issue and BlackBerry has suggested it is because the EAP.dat file does not get to the users inbox. It does, however the nicely formatted activation email doesn't seem to.
Do any BES experts either know what I might be doing wrong or can blatantly tell me a reason why Exchange 2010 wouldn't work on BES. E14 just seems so similar to 2007 in terms of UI and Infrastructure.
I appreciate any help I can get.