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Old 06-03-2009, 10:33 AM   #1
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Default BES tries to add users with wrong mailbox

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Does anyone have any idea what might be happening here? This started happening yesterday. When a user is added to BES, the account tries to attach to an incorrect mailbox of another user with the same name but different mail address. This may give you a better idea:

User 1:
User Username Email address Mailbox Name

Mike Smith msmith mike.smith[@]**.****.**.us mike.smith

User 2:
User Username Email address Mailbox Name

Mike Smith mikesm mikesmith[@]**.****.**.us mikesmith

However when I add user 2 to the BES Server, the information provided for the user that gets added are as follows:

Adding user 1:
User Username Email address Mailbox Name

Mike Smith msmith mike.smith[@]**.****.**.us mike.smith

Adding user 2:
User Username Email address Mailbox Name

Mike Smith mikesm mikesmith[@]**.****.**.us msmith

As you can see, user 2 should be attaching to mailbox mikemiller, and not mmiller (which is in fact the username of the user 1). I’m hoping that upgrading to version 5 (if in fact it is for exchange 2003) will fix my issue, however if you have any tips for manually assigning a mailbox to a user I would love to hear about it.
Old 06-03-2009, 10:58 AM   #2
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A thought would be to change the name of one temporarily, add it, change it back.
Old 06-03-2009, 01:28 PM   #3
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Finally got it working.

Ok, I tried before just changing the display name in Active directory. It turns out that I needed to change his full name as well as the display name. In addition I took out all email template references that he didn't use from the Email Addresses tab in AD. Once I did that, the phone started activating. On a side note, BES still shows that the user's mailbox is incorrect. BES still shows his mailbox as msmith instead of mikesmith, i guess I don't care much what it shows as long as the phone is working like it is supposed to.

I can't possibly be the first organization that uses BES that has multiple employees with the same name. Is there a patch, FAQ, or any sort of documentation to indicate that you can't have employees with the same name in BES user list? Very wierd.

Thanks for the Pointer TargetIT - 10 points for you!

Last edited by d.rock; 06-03-2009 at 01:30 PM..
Old 06-03-2009, 05:51 PM   #4
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That's why we started using people's employee's number as their email address.

I keed.
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