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Old 10-05-2008, 10:45 PM   #1
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Default BES / Exchange stopped working

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We are running BlackBerry Professional on a Win Server 2003 box alongside a SBS 2003 box.

On the weekend my business experienced a power out which meant that our SBS and BES servers restarted. I should also point out that daylight savings here in Melbourne kicked in over the weekend - just to cloud the issue.

Since that time, synchronization between Exchange & BES hasn't worked.

Prior to this, everything has been running fine for over 12 months.

I have restarted the BES server twice since the initial restart, just to ensure that BES was starting after Exchange and AD was up and going. All BES services are running fine.

If I send a pin message from BlackBerry manager then all devices get it but not emails.

I tried to activate my device again (all 16 users have BlackBerry Pearls) but this isn't working either. I get an ETP email in my inbox when I try to activate and then another one 5-10 minutes later when the activation finally fails).

I notice in the Users tab of BlackBerry Manager that the Last Contact Time for all users is before the server restarts occurred.

No service packs or other updates were applied on the servers when they restarted.

What should I be looking at to solve this problem?
Old 10-06-2008, 08:30 AM   #2
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Could be firewall related so take a look at that. The orphaned ETP messages points to either an AV filter issue or perhaps a permissions issue with the BES Admin, so check your BESAdmin account and ensure it has all the correct permissions still and also make sure those permissions are being inherited by the users.

Old 10-07-2008, 02:40 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by BBAdmin View Post
Could be firewall related so take a look at that. The orphaned ETP messages points to either an AV filter issue or perhaps a permissions issue with the BES Admin, so check your BESAdmin account and ensure it has all the correct permissions still and also make sure those permissions are being inherited by the users.
Ok. Checked all permissions (exchange/send as etc.) and they seem fine. The BESAdmin user definitely has access to all mailboxes in Exchange as I set up a profile for BESAdmin on a machine and was able to open user mailboxes with no problem.

AV defninitely isn't touching the etp messages (I turned it off and tested) and I'm not sure what the firewall would be doing? The SRP port is definitely fine - I checked the SRP connection and it is all cool.

Any other ideas?
Old 10-07-2008, 03:17 AM   #4
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Default Solved.

I decided to reinstall the whole shebang and it fixed the problem. Something must have become corrupted.
Old 10-07-2008, 06:50 AM   #5
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BES tried maybe to start services before exchange were started so mapi connection that is needed for BES has not been established. Next time try to restart just BES services rather then server itself.
Old 10-07-2008, 04:42 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by fadmin View Post
BES tried maybe to start services before exchange were started so mapi connection that is needed for BES has not been established. Next time try to restart just BES services rather then server itself.
Strangely, I'm having the exact same problem/symptoms as the OP. Only differences are 1) I downed and restarted both servers on purpose to switch over to a new UPS, 2) I'm running Professional 4.1, 3) it had only been working perfectly for 6 months, not 12, 3) I'm not in Australia.

Permissions are fine - that's the first thing I checked. Tried restarting the blackberry box to no avail. Also tried restarting BES services, both with and without stopping/starting bb controller and dispatcher services first - also to no avail.

Getting ready to uninstall/reinstall as a last resort but I was hoping to find a less drastic result here. Not looking good so far
Old 10-07-2008, 10:59 PM   #7
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Default Fixed

Originally Posted by lawdogg View Post
Strangely, I'm having the exact same problem/symptoms as the OP. Only differences are 1) I downed and restarted both servers on purpose to switch over to a new UPS, 2) I'm running Professional 4.1, 3) it had only been working perfectly for 6 months, not 12, 3) I'm not in Australia.

Permissions are fine - that's the first thing I checked. Tried restarting the blackberry box to no avail. Also tried restarting BES services, both with and without stopping/starting bb controller and dispatcher services first - also to no avail.

Getting ready to uninstall/reinstall as a last resort but I was hoping to find a less drastic result here. Not looking good so far
BES couldn't find Exchange. Different MAPI versions (strange how that wasn't a problem until the restart - but, oh well...).
Old 11-07-2008, 11:19 AM   #8
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Hey all, i also tried everything as stated above to no avail. What i did was to edit the MAPI profile manually.
1.In the BlackBerry Enterprise Server installation media, in the Tools folder, double-click the Fixmapisvc.exe file.
2.Verify that the mapisvc.inf file is installed at C:\winnt\system32\ or C:\windows\system32\.
3.On the taskbar, click Start > BlackBerry Enterprise Server > Edit MAPI Profile.
4.Type the Microsoft Exchange Server name.
5.Select the mailbox associated with the MAPI profile.
6.Click OK

I found these instructions in the installation manual and gave it a go. This did not start working again though until i restarted the server.

***NOTE*** During this whole process i was on hold waiting to be connected to BlackBerry Support. As soon as i got the server back up, BlackBerrys Support came on the line. They said that more than likely, i didnt need to do what i did and all i should have had to do was restart the blackberry server. The reason for that is that the BlackBerry server came up before the Exchange server. In order for the whole system to work, the Exchange Server needs to be up and operational before the BlackBerry server can come up online.


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