Hi guys,
I've been asked to encrypt a file before its written to SDCard.
I've tried both DES and RSA with no luck.
I wanted to create a certificate that the BB could use to encrypt with and store the private key on the PC to decrypt with.
So i started with RSA(
following RIM knowledge base AES example). Which I can run by itself and it works well.
I followed a
google code example of creating the necessary public and private keys along with a certificate. That went fine.
The problem comes when I try to import the certificate and use the public key, i tried:
fconn = (FileConnection)Connector.open("file:///SDCard/cert.pfx",Connector.READ);
fileStream = fconn.openInputStream();
X509Certificate cert = new X509Certificate(fileStream);
RSAPublicKey publicKey = (RSAPublicKey)cert.getPublicKey();
With all appropriate catch statements
Which seems to work without a hitch, but then I pass it to the encrypt method used in the Knowledge base example and it gives Java.lang exception?
Also if I try and verify the x509 certificate, it complains its not RCC signed?
So then I switched to DES and tried the API example:
String pword = "pass";
String plain = "Convert me";
byte[] text = plain.getBytes();
byte[] secretKey = pword.getBytes();
byte[] encrypted = null;
// sampleDESEncryption
private static int sampleDESEncryption( byte[] secretKey, byte[] plainText, byte[] cipherText )
throws CryptoTokenException, CryptoUnsupportedOperationException
// Create a new DES key based on the 8 bytes in the secretKey array
DESKey key = new DESKey( secretKey );
// Create a new instance of the DES encryptor engine, passing in the newly
// created key
DESEncryptorEngine engine = new DESEncryptorEngine( key );
// Encrypt one block (8 bytes) of plainText into cipherText
engine.encrypt( plainText, 0, cipherText, 0 );
// Return the block size of the engine
return engine.getBlockLength();
But I dont understand how to get the cipher text back? I tried returning it ({cipherText} return encrypted = sampleDESEncryption(...)) and it complained it was null?
What I would love is a code example of importing and using a java created certificate for encryption. Or a simple des encryption decryption example.
Any ideas?