Originally Posted by magesnz
You have to do it with your computer, because t-mobile dosen't sell the phone first of all, second of all did you go to the blackberry page of your provider and transfer the service plan to the new phone???? and don't forget to remove the vendor.xml file from c:\program files\common files\research in motion\apploader before installing the os onto your phone....
hope everything goes well....
Hi Magesnz!
I have a question with regards to upgrading my phone O.S.
1. do I really need to transfer a blackberry service plan to my phone? because I don't have any, but I have a regular 2 year contract..I just use the phone straight out from the box. My phone by the way is branded (unlocked VODAFONE)
2. What is the most stable OS version that I can use? I am planning to install A6.0.0.481 or A5.0.0.972 or (from Tmobile) for 9700 Bold if its possible.
Currently Installed : (bundle 1269) platform
thanks again for your help.