11-06-2007, 04:31 AM
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Originally Posted by BBAdmin
I would say so, although it sounds like you actually got a 10 user Enterprise!
Any way i can check?
Just checked and the Licence Management shows SBE Licence Type
BES, 4.1.7, was SBE now full BES
Domino v7.0.2
Windows Server 2003, standalone
Last edited by DavidAdams; 11-06-2007 at 04:45 AM..
11-08-2007, 08:01 AM
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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I am currently migrating users from one bes to another and I am using the same cals on both servers.
no issues so far
11-22-2007, 10:53 AM
Thumbs Must Hurt
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We have BES with 24 CALs in my company and we are going to implement the SMIME in the blackbbery's.
The SMIME CAL's are very expensive, the price is the doble of normal CALs.
Is there an upgrade from normal BES CAL to SMIME CAL's?
For example
One BlackBerry Enterprise Server S/MIME CAL: 199 USD
11-22-2007, 07:11 PM
BlackBerry Genius
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Not that I know of ... You're best of contacting your reseller or RIM directly to see if they'll work out a nice deal with you.
11-23-2007, 03:36 AM
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Not a clue on that one I'm afraid!
11-23-2007, 10:25 AM
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Express Edition
The Express Edition of BES is a free download from the BlackBerry website. This versions ships with a 1 user CAL. BES Express is basically identical to the SBE Edition as it can only be expanded to a maximum 15 user threshold.
Raises a couple of questions in this noob's mind:
Why would I chose it over BIS for a 1 user scenario, any benefits?
Also can it run on any server, like my Linux box, or does it need something specific?
11-23-2007, 10:32 AM
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Originally Posted by grandad
Raises a couple of questions in this noob's mind:
Why would I chose it over BIS for a 1 user scenario, any benefits?
Also can it run on any server, like my Linux box, or does it need something specific?
You'd use this as it'll give you full sync of email and PIM data ... it does however add another component to your server architecture, so its a bit more complex.
It needs to run in a windows server environment ... people have gotten away with running BES on an XP machine, but it isn't supported.
11-23-2007, 10:33 AM
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Originally Posted by grandad
Raises a couple of questions in this noob's mind:
Why would I chose it over BIS for a 1 user scenario, any benefits?
Also can it run on any server, like my Linux box, or does it need something specific?
The difference between BIS and BES is night and day with BES being the better product. BES only runs on the Windows platform.
Exchange 2007/BES 5.0.2 MR2
11-26-2007, 06:34 PM
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Can anyone please answer the following question?
How many SBS CALs are required to implement by BES which came with 20 CALs I currently would have 11 Blackberry users and only 8 SBS users.
Thanks in advance to all for their efforts here.
11-27-2007, 10:43 AM
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
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Originally Posted by SkyPilot
Can anyone please answer the following question?
How many SBS CALs are required to implement by BES which came with 20 CALs I currently would have 11 Blackberry users and only 8 SBS users.
Thanks in advance to all for their efforts here.
Not sure I understand the question. Could you attempt to clarify it?
SBS is limited to 20 users. You need an Upgrade/Unlock CAL to get any higher than that.
If a BES came with a 20 user CAL, then it is not SBS and has no cap.
11-27-2007, 10:54 PM
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Originally Posted by DarkWater
Not sure I understand the question. Could you attempt to clarify it?
SBS is limited to 20 users. You need an Upgrade/Unlock CAL to get any higher than that.
If a BES came with a 20 user CAL, then it is not SBS and has no cap.
I am asking if I need 20 SBS cal to match the 2o bes cals I have
I am hoping to not have to purchase more SBS cals than I require as I will max out at 10 actual users but maybe 30 BB uisers in the end
Hope that clarifies it somewhat
Last edited by SkyPilot; 11-27-2007 at 10:56 PM..
11-28-2007, 07:20 AM
BlackBerry Genius
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Its still not clear ... are you asking how many Microsoft SBS CALs are required?
If so, you should contact your reseller, or Microsoft licensing rep to discuss your plan.
11-28-2007, 10:32 AM
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
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Originally Posted by SkyPilot
I am asking if I need 20 SBS cal to match the 2o bes cals I have
I am hoping to not have to purchase more SBS cals than I require as I will max out at 10 actual users but maybe 30 BB uisers in the end
Hope that clarifies it somewhat
BES small business CALs cap out at 20.
If you know you are going over 20 then you should purchase the upgrade CAL to remove the cap. Recommend doing it before you move past 15 CALs.
11-28-2007, 01:26 PM
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Originally Posted by hdawg
Its still not clear ... are you asking how many Microsoft SBS CALs are required?
If so, you should contact your reseller, or Microsoft licensing rep to discuss your plan.
I guess I need to contact microsoft
What I am asking if I need a Microsoft SBS CAL for every BES user
And also does BES itself use up a SBS CAL
11-28-2007, 01:38 PM
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You should contact Microsoft. Anyone posting here that doesn't work for Microsoft's licensing department will most likely give you incomplete or incorrect information. MS has too many licensing methods for the same product for most people to bother to properly understand them ... every time I've spoken about licensing I've regretted it.
11-29-2007, 05:06 AM
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Updated the first post today with the addition of BlackBerry Professional Software. Sorry for the delay, all up to date now!!!
11-29-2007, 09:31 AM
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Originally Posted by hdawg
You should contact Microsoft. Anyone posting here that doesn't work for Microsoft's licensing department will most likely give you incomplete or incorrect information. MS has too many licensing methods for the same product for most people to bother to properly understand them ... every time I've spoken about licensing I've regretted it.
I am off to the badlands will post what they tell me
11-29-2007, 01:58 PM
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
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Originally Posted by SkyPilot
I am off to the badlands will post what they tell me
You don't need any Microsoft licensing to support users on Research In Motion software.
Besides, any user you add to the BES is already a user in the Windows environment.
If MS tries to pass of licensing for BES users, they are conning you.
12-02-2007, 04:45 PM
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New BES Admin here.
My company doesn't want me to be in contact with our Verizon Rep who handled the RIM licensing. I received a link to the Blackberry Enterprise Server 4.1 Mid Market Bundle for Exchange - 11 User.
I know I'll be going over 20 in the next few months. My question is, do I have SBS or Enterprise? I'm not exactly sure how this licensing works. How would I establish a contact at RIM? Just call them up and ask?
12-02-2007, 06:06 PM
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Originally Posted by djeddiebear
New BES Admin here.
My company doesn't want me to be in contact with our Verizon Rep who handled the RIM licensing. I received a link to the Blackberry Enterprise Server 4.1 Mid Market Bundle for Exchange - 11 User.
I know I'll be going over 20 in the next few months. My question is, do I have SBS or Enterprise? I'm not exactly sure how this licensing works. How would I establish a contact at RIM? Just call them up and ask?
Which version of BES do you have (4.0 or 4.1)? I forget what the license screen for 4.0 looks like, but for 4.1 if you launch the BES Manager and go to BlackBerry Domain > Global Tab > Account (under tasks) > License Management you should see the License Type.
When in doubt T-Support will be able to tell you exactly what you have.