Some analysts are predicting the stock to go to around $150 per you may still have time to make some great profits...
Besides, if you believe that the overall business prospects for RIM in the long run is a good one, then it may be a good stock purchase irregardless.
The key is whether you are looking for a long term investment or just a quick profit.
IMHO, RIM is a good long term investment...imagine where they'll be 5 or 10 years from now.
As for the short term, well, we already know that the 8800 is coming out...and most of this movement was based on the 8100 success...we also know that the 8100 still has yet to enter most of the worldwide market, and so most of the sales impact has yet to be felt. We also know that we are entering Q4 which historically is the best quarter for all stocks. We also know that RIM will sell a ton of BBs during the holiday season, and this will be reflected in the Q1 2007 results in January. So I would say there is still great upside potential for this stock in the short term.