02-26-2006, 11:46 PM
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Originally Posted by hf1khal
Oh, and by the way...
RICHMOND, Virginia (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Friday stopped short of ordering an immediate shutdown of millions of BlackBerry portable e-mail devices made by Research In Motion Ltd..
But U.S. District Judge James Spencer said there was no escaping that RIM had been found to be infringing on NTP Inc.'s patents and he would issue a decision on an injunction "as soon as reasonably possible."
02-26-2006, 11:50 PM
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Originally Posted by KonTiki
I empathize for the little guy that is taken advantage of and I will fight for his rights as hard as I can, but what NTP is doing, is nothing for that little guy in your article. They are doing it for their own gratification. Do you think that one penny of any settlement will go to the estte of the little guy your article describes? If you do then I will not continue arguing here with you because I then know that no matter what I say you will never se the light of day.
I am not sure where i read that, but NTP bought them all and now they own the rights for such claimed patents. I also read that NTP's existance has been based on law suites and also that NTP is owned by patent lawyers.
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02-26-2006, 11:51 PM
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Originally Posted by KonTiki
My friend you are entitled to your feelings and opinions just as anyone else, all I am asking is to keep any inflamatory comments in check.
My dear sir.. I was told to "Go to Hell" by one of the great contributors of this forum... maybe you should direct your comments to him/her.
02-26-2006, 11:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Carterofmars
My dear sir.. I was told to "Go to Hell" by one of the great contributors of this forum... maybe you should direct your comments to him/her.
Well, I don't see why you had to include others into the same flame. You could have singled out one and not group all others into such comment. I am sorry there is something that is called being politicaly correct.
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02-27-2006, 12:00 AM
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Originally Posted by hf1khal
Well, I don't see why you had to include others into the same flame. You could have singled out one and not group all others into such comment. I am sorry there is something that is called being politicaly correct.
PC? Oh my... again I must say...
Look into my Crystal Ball
Last edited by Carterofmars; 02-27-2006 at 12:02 AM..
02-27-2006, 12:04 AM
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By the way, with this same link posted again and agian and again, do you by any chance ahppen to work for a company that is affiliated with the treo product, a company that has a financial investment in the product or amy be wanting to push into that product? I have news for you, I tried it quickly and the owner of that unit who had it for 3 days just returned it today back to its source. His comment was nothing is like a Blackberry all of these are BB want to be.
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02-27-2006, 12:18 AM
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hf1khal, he doesn't work in the telecommunications industry. Think bigger dollars and not related to the Middle East.
Carterofmars, even if an injunction is granted next week, do you honestly predict a complete shutdown within the United States? No. It will be settled, one way or the other. As for RIM being thieves, it honestly surprises me, as the NTP patents have been rejected due to 'prior art' - meaning the technology was already established before NTP's late founder filed for his patents (in Europe somewhere). RIM developed their product, in a working fashion mind you (not a pre-prototype idea), on their own without the knowledge of obscure patents for non-developed technology. RIM truly paved the road for pretty much everyone else in the market today.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.
02-27-2006, 12:22 AM
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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OK... all kidding aside, whether you want to admit it or not.
1. RIM did infringe on Campana's patent. A JURY decided that one.
2. RIM didn't respond when asked to pay for technology that other companies were willing to pay for.
3. They are going to have to PAY now, and heavily.
These are facts hf1khal... the bell is tolling.
02-27-2006, 12:25 AM
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Carterofmars, from the other thread, consider this a warning. This is a forum for BlackBerry technology not Palm/Treo promotions and sales. If you want to promote what your pharma company is doing as an alternative, do it once. If someone questions you about it more, then it is fine to pursue that avenue of answers. However, badgering our users with whatever reasons you have for promotion of the 700w is going to lead you to an early dismissal from this community. If you have no other business aside from harassment of our users, then please do not return to this forum.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.
02-27-2006, 12:25 AM
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Carter, go back to MARS.......play with your Martian thingee, and try to decide what you're going to waste your time worrying about after this settles
02-27-2006, 12:26 AM
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Originally Posted by jibi
hf1khal, he doesn't work in the telecommunications industry. Think bigger dollars and not related to the Middle East.
Carterofmars, even if an injunction is granted next week, do you honestly predict a complete shutdown within the United States? No. It will be settled, one way or the other. As for RIM being thieves, it honestly surprises me, as the NTP patents have been rejected due to 'prior art' - meaning the technology was already established before NTP's late founder filed for his patents (in Europe somewhere). RIM developed their product, in a working fashion mind you (not a pre-prototype idea), on their own without the knowledge of obscure patents for non-developed technology. RIM truly paved the road for pretty much everyone else in the market today.
Thank you for making it clear on his work related thig. It jsut caught off guard with his multiple post about the thing.
As to the your second paragraph, I agree with you 110%. NTP definatly stands to loose if they do not enter into a settelment, I realy wonder what they are after! But with the mocet recent rejections I would say that life just got tougher for NTP not to accept a settlement, it was also even noted that the Judge said that if he imposes one on them bith companies might not be happy with the result which leads me to beleive that he think that NTP has been unreasonable in their requests and this could very well back fire on them. RIM could end up paying more that $450MM but NTP willfor sure not get what it has asked for as a settelment from RIM.
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02-27-2006, 12:32 AM
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Originally Posted by jibi
Carterofmars, from the other thread, consider this a warning. This is a forum for BlackBerry technology not Palm/Treo promotions and sales. If you want to promote what your pharma company is doing as an alternative, do it once. If someone questions you about it more, then it is fine to pursue that avenue of answers. However, badgering our users with whatever reasons you have for promotion of the 700w is going to lead you to an early dismissal from this community. If you have no other business aside from harassment of our users, then please do not return to this forum.
I'll leave saying this:
A general discussion area for a free exchange of ideas, thoughts, and comments.
When you threaten to Dismiss people for voicing opinions, no matter how unpopular they may be, you cease having a FORUM, and begin having something far different.
02-27-2006, 12:34 AM
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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And I'll finish with my first statement...
RIMM is in trouble.
02-27-2006, 12:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Carterofmars
I'll leave saying this:
A general discussion area for a free exchange of ideas, thoughts, and comments.
When you threaten to Dismiss people for voicing opinions, no matter how unpopular they may be, you cease having a FORUM, and begin having something far different.
Unfortunately, not everyone here is adult in manner, thus moderation is a necessity rather than a simple inconvenience. I'm sure that our majority pro-BlackBerry users on this BlackBerry-specific forum do not much care that I'm intervening. Promotion of the Treo product line, no matter how popular it seems to be within your corporation and mind, is not exactly on-topic when it comes to the legal and stock discussions of Research In Motion, as prescribed in the context of this sub-forum.
Originally Posted by Carterofmars
And I'll finish with my first statement...
RIMM is in trouble.
If speaking about their stock, it would appear your company has taken a rather large hit in the last month - down $5/share (more than 10%) - eek! 
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.
Last edited by jibi; 02-27-2006 at 12:47 AM..
02-27-2006, 08:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Carterofmars
Campana, whom Thelen described as a "very energetic, very upbeat" guy, anticipated that AT&T would buy Telefind. But those hopes were dashed.
Further testing showed that Telefind's system didn't work well enough; messages didn't always get through, Narayanan said.
Sounds like whatever this guy patented didn't work.
02-27-2006, 09:07 AM
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Your "Crystal Ball"
I work for a large corporation..I'm sorry a very large corporation- In fact I work for the Worlds largest manufacturer of Vaccines owned by several countries. We had a select portion switch to the treo for a week and switched right back to our blackberry devices. Ease of use, reliability and of course cost factor. I did not like the treo nor did anyone else I have that works for or with me. The cost to impliment such a sad device is enough on its own. So you can keep your Treo and Give me my blackberry any day...
02-27-2006, 10:57 AM
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Originally Posted by smketer
So what will your company go with then?
Also what will others go with if the berry is shut down?
We are going with the string and 2 tin cans, the second best thing to a BB 
02-27-2006, 11:03 AM
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Just to add, the treo did not ship with a push update as promised so it is not a real competitor until then.
02-27-2006, 11:47 AM
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Originally Posted by nb_mitch
We are going with the string and 2 tin cans, the second best thing to a BB 
May I suggest a slinky, they hold up better in the rain
iTurned to the darkside.
02-27-2006, 11:51 AM
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TOO much wind resistance, in Florida we have to be prepared for next hurricane season 