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Old 02-24-2006, 04:43 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by outfocus
So others can read it and we can share our opinions, isn't that what a forum is for, and besides, I was the first to bring it up, so what's your problem with sharing info huh?!
Yes, except that there is a dedicated forum just for RIM Stock/Legal issues and there must be ten new threads with exactly the same information...

I will move this there so it's in the right place.
Old 02-24-2006, 05:29 PM   #22
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Is Judge done?
Old 02-24-2006, 07:14 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry
Yes, except that there is a dedicated forum just for RIM Stock/Legal issues and there must be ten new threads with exactly the same information...

I will move this there so it's in the right place.
Fair enough, I never noticed, but my qualm was with a poster arguing 'why I was even posting the information', NOT regarding 'where' I was posting it.
Old 02-24-2006, 07:45 PM   #24
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I believe:

- Based on the USPTO's rejections of NTP patents, I believe that Judge Spencer will be forced to delay any ruling he may have;
- If he does rule in favor of NTP and the injunction is ordered, I think we'll see Spencer taking a fairly early 'retirement'.
- NTP will file an appeal with the USPTO concerning their now invalid patents.
- The USPTO will shortly hear the appeal and uphold their reviews process - patents will remain invalid.
- NTP will appeal the USPTO ruling within a court system, thus becoming what they've been badgering RIM about for the last few years - 'squatters'.
- Visto will file a motion against RIM.
- At the hands of their shareholders, RIM will license patents from Visto rather than going to court - afterall, Visto has already had one of their patents re-examined by the USPTO (Visto vs Seven Networks) and 15 of 25 claims were approved.

I think the last two will likely happen in the short-term, and if RIM decides to pursue it within the courts/patent office, expect for the shareholders to possibly and ultimately decide the fate of BlackBerry.

I find it disturbing that Judge Spencer would rule in favor of NTP based on the new evidence that their patents have now been rejected by the patent office. I don't see why he would delay a ruling a week, to be perfectly honest, unless he is actually taking into consideration today's USPTO rejections.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.
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