I have reactivated my Q10 after using an iphone.
I'm now having trouble setting up icloud email. I have used the Apple inputs on their website, but its not working.
When I used this phone 3 years ago, icloud email worked.
Help, please.
"Apple now requires you to use two-factor authentication (two-step verification where two-factor authentication is not available) and create an app specific password for 3rd party applications that access your iCloud account with the use of a password, you can initiate the two-factor authentication (two-step verification) set up and create app specific passwords at My Apple ID
Two-factor authentication is currently available to iCloud users (in most locations) with at least one device that's using iOS 9 or OS X El Capitan or later. If you can’t meet the criteria for two-factor authentication you can set up two-step verification which only requires a device registered with ‘Find my phone' or a phone number able to receive SMS messages
As you can see, they have locked the service to only apple I-phones. unless you can follow the device registration method.