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Old 06-13-2016, 09:41 AM   #1
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Default 507 Error: tried everything, I have searched :)

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Please excuse the newbie...

I've just managed to destroy my main phone by dropping it off a cliff I was climbing and need to get a backup phone working. Since I have worked in IT for aeons, I have boxes full of hardware. Went raking through them and found a couple of Blackberry Curve 8520 models that I bought as part of a job lot some years ago.

Both of them charge and power up fine, both then display the "Reload software 507" error.

Before I continue, please rest assured that I *have* searched, found and tried many solutions both here, on the BB site and on Youtube, but I must be missing something.

As I recall, I bought 3 phones and got one of them working for a friend a couple of years back. Thinking back, I had awful problems which I narrowed down to a managed Group Policy issue. I had to remove all management before I could load on an OS.

Now I am going around in circles between 507 and 561 errors. What I have tried (repeatedly)...

BBSAK: Performed a full wipe, then (using BBDS), tried to redeploy the OS. I have deleted the vendor file and tried installing every available option in the OS list. I get a 561 error, then

"A fatal error has occurred while updating your device's software. Please try again.

Unspecified error encountered [J:0x00000024]"

...then back to 507.

I'm pretty certain that this is due to a management (group policy) / admin lockdown issue as these phones clearly came out of an enterprise environment, but I cannot work out how to remove this.

I've also tried resetting to factory defaults using BBDS and JL_Cmder v1.9.4

Please does anyone have any ideas? The odds are very much against both phones being knackered.
Old 06-13-2016, 07:49 PM   #2
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Default Re: 507 Error: tried everything, I have searched :)

Part of the problem may be the IT policy restrictions and they need to be removed. the errors your seeing indicate the OS is not on the phone. the other error ( 561 ) indicates an application push from the server failed. that could mean the IT policy caused this.
the other issue you may have is the OS your loading may not be for the model you have. It must be for the 8520.
Another problem is the phone may be locked to a specific carrier. Unless you get the codes and follow the process to "unlock" the phone you must use the OS from the carrier. Go to O2 and download their OS for the phone model

Good luck

Read the links attached and see if they help

Error "507" is displayed on the BlackBerry smartphone running BlackBerry OS version 7.1 and earlier
Z10 on BES
Z10 on BIS

Last edited by tsac; 06-13-2016 at 07:50 PM..
Old 06-20-2016, 08:41 AM   #3
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Default Re: 507 Error: tried everything, I have searched :)

I have the same problem since 2 days :\
Agence en référencement web
Old 06-20-2016, 08:30 PM   #4
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Default Re: 507 Error: tried everything, I have searched :)

Originally Posted by dannykronstrom View Post
I have the same problem since 2 days :\

Have you tried the above suggestions?
Z10 on BES
Z10 on BIS
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