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Old 04-05-2016, 11:52 AM   #1
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Default PRIV guest account

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Can anyone help me with deleting the guest account from my BB Priv?

Here is my issue:
At the moment I have 2 accounts on my phone.
One is with my phone number(admin) and
Second one is made by google and it's called "guest".

When I am on my Admin account(first one) the only option that shows up for the guest is to check or uncheck guest ability to make a phone calls. No option to delete it whatsoever.

When I switch to the guest account there is an option that says "remove guest account". When i press it, I am taken to my Admin account and new guest fresh with defaulth options guest account is created in the place of the one I have just deleted.
There is no way to stop the proccess of creating new guest upon deleting the previous one.

Can anyone help me here please?
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Old 04-05-2016, 07:53 PM   #2
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Default Re: PRIV guest account

Apparently Blackberry PRIV includes a "guest" account that is not removable. The purpose is to allow the phone to be used by a "guest" and keep your "owner" information private.
I would just ignore the guest account.
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Old 04-07-2016, 10:34 AM   #3
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Default Re: PRIV guest account

Would you ever share your phone with some one you don't trust therefore you need a separate account for that person? Me neither.

It is a very bad move because that guest account open a whole lot of "backdoor access" to your phone.
What is even worse, guest account can affect the Administrator account or even delete it.

I don't see how using guest account is keeping your information private as guest account have as much access as administrator, the only difference is that guest can't make phone calls.

It is like selling you a car with 2 sets of keys one for you and one for the guest, and you have no control over the guest keys.

The longer I use PRIV the more I begin to see how it is exactly opposite of the label.
Thanks for the answer tsac.
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Old 04-07-2016, 08:50 PM   #4
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Default Re: PRIV guest account

The Blackberry's that are connected via a company BES have the ability to separate work and personal data. The guest account is just another method to separate a private account with one that is considered "non business or not the owner"

I have BES and BIS phones and the BES phone has my stuff and is separate from the company's stuff.
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Old 04-18-2016, 09:37 AM   #5
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Default Re: PRIV guest account

Still, "guest" account that can delete my main account (and cannot be deleted itself)... without even knowing my password IS a big red flag for me.
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Old 04-18-2016, 06:50 PM   #6
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Default Re: PRIV guest account

Based on the available information on the abilities of the "Guest" account , it cannot do much except receive calls and use some of the available Apps. Deleting anything should not be possible.

The users feature lets you share your device with others while keeping your personal or work information private. For
example, users that you add to your device can't access your info, such as your email, contacts, pictures, apps, and more.
By default, your device is set up with a device owner and a guest.
You control whether the user can use the phone app to make and receive calls and whether the user can send and receive
text messages (SMS).

Bottom line is you control what the guest account can do and cannot do.

The link below offers more details.
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Old 04-19-2016, 11:51 AM   #7
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Default Re: PRIV guest account

I guess my whole problem with the "guest" account is that i was observing it now for a month and the data usage on guest account grwos bu itself, in MB.

I have found a way to disable it and set max user number to 1, via rooting the device.
Thanks for advices anyway.
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Old 04-20-2016, 07:35 PM   #8
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Default Re: PRIV guest account

Good, If the account was using up data them it makes me wonder why it cannot be easily disabled.. Just another weird add to the phone not needed.
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Old 04-24-2016, 02:48 PM   #9
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Default Re: PRIV guest account

@tsac the hardest issue is to root the Blackberry PRIV.
The DTEK app that cannot be deleted act as SuperUser(rooted/jailbroken user) that have access to everything above what you have access to. DTEK can wipe your device without your consent, and you can't stop it.

Rooting the PRIV. You need to "jump on your ears" to find a way how to do it. Same goes for new Galaxy phones, they have exactly the same "security" that monitors everything you do, in case somebody will try to hack you? To hack you they need to first hack them, DTEK, in this case.
They(DTEK) act as remote anti-virus that is always monitoring your device and is blocking your access to devices full features that you normally would get by rooting.

I can notice similar model being spread everywhere as a "safe environment"(Windows10, new Galaxy phone, BB PRIV), the only issue is your privacy.
You don't know a single thing about those who are monitoring/recording, where they know A LOT about you. They store this information in a place we have no access to, for further analysis.
Very unfair trade under the cover of "privacy" taking away user freedom to have full-"live" access to their phones.
On the other hand most of the phone users are daft enough not to know what rooting is, making them easy "marketing" targets.

I'm glad people are finding a way to root the devices giving us the control back to our hands.
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Last edited by MarcinM; 04-24-2016 at 02:50 PM..
Old 04-24-2016, 08:15 PM   #10
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Default Re: PRIV guest account

Sadly I think the cell manufactures are all "hiding" something they install on the phones. Until more people do as you did or complain and either stop buying certain models to show the displeasure it wont stop. When the cell makers make people think they need to latest toy by advertising that unless you have it your not one of the in crowd. Think of how Apple gets people to carry a 6S which in reality is a ridiculous size to carry. they sold millions. Well now they decide to "invent" a new phone that's small enough to fit into the pocket. Want to bet on the number they will sell? With all the phones sold it becomes very easy for the makers to add things like the "guest " account which as you see is essentially useless and causes issues most people wont discover. I'm with you thinking the data usage for an account not used is doing something and it is not good. On an iPhone, you cant track exactly which apps are using your data unless youre jail broken. The BB is probably the same. The carriers wont care because they are making money the more you use.

Ok I could go on but you get the point. Hope others see what you did and complain to the phone makers.
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Old 04-26-2016, 10:33 AM   #11
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Default Re: PRIV guest account

Just curious, is the guest account an Android thing or something BlackBerry added?
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- Ira
Old 04-26-2016, 12:14 PM   #12
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Default Re: PRIV guest account

It looks like a lot of newer phones have a guest account. It may be something the developers thought would be good if the phone was shared.
It's called "guest mode" on the I-Phone and simply guest account on some Android phones.
With the number of people who have cell phones , I wonder why anyone would need to "loan" their phone for someone to use not while they are with them.
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Old 04-26-2016, 01:26 PM   #13
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Default Re: PRIV guest account

I guess it would also be something for parents who let children play with device.

Think of the posts on the forums where kid did something (like change the lock passord) and parent can't fix it.
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- Ira
Old 04-26-2016, 01:34 PM   #14
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Default Re: PRIV guest account

Good point, I guess a lot of parents let the kids use the phone to play games.
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Old 05-30-2016, 07:06 AM   #15
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Default Re: PRIV guest account

Originally Posted by aiharkness View Post
Just curious, is the guest account an Android thing or something BlackBerry added?
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It is a google thing. All seetings for it are on google, and without rooting the phone you can't turn it off.
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