03-16-2016, 11:26 AM
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Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
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Seems like the thing to do, raise the cost. ATT just raised the cost for their Direct TV and dropped a bunch of stations including locals unless they are paid for separately.
Anything wireless will see big changes and cost increases
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03-23-2016, 09:03 AM
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Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
I am actually somewhat interested, as I am unhappy with my current iPhone, but that is a very steep price tag.
03-23-2016, 09:39 AM
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Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
The more people "need" the cell phone the higher the price will go including the service charges. ATT and others are looking at the data use as a big money maker.
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04-28-2016, 04:56 PM
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Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Maybe my experience will add some grist to the conversation.
I wanted a new, but unlocked, phone that was not an iPhone. I wanted something that, maybe did not have all the "apps" because many are privacy destroying. Only one carrier last May offered an unlocked phone out of the box, Verizon. They offered it two ways, purchase on a separate contract with monthly payments, or cash up front. Up front was slightly cheaper so I did that. I immediately tested with SIMS from ATT and TMobile. Worked fine.
Plus, prices are so low you can't afford not to own a phone that matches your wants. Today's smartphone is almost literally a Pocket PC. Flip phones are so cheap as Talk and Text they are almost throw away. A big change from BB heyday. From a carrier perspective it looks like they are selling phones/devices like razor blade companies sell razors. To get the consumer in the door to buy the actual product. For one it is razor blades. For the other it is data.
Customer service from Samsung for the phone and both ATT and Verizon as carriers has been outstanding as compared to RIM. All three are focused on the non-professional user. Quite the opposite of RIM.
With Knox and Containerizing security is very good. (Now that is brought to the individual with MyKnox)
I just bought a new Samsung Tab A. It includes a Playbook like function to go with my Note 4. Looks attractive. Too bad RIM didn't have the wisdom to put a Together or Separate function like this in their system. Bad decision
I just looked at the last RIM product that interested me, BBM. No one I installed it for wanted to use it. So, we are using another product. If that doesn't work in a few months, or a year we can change easily and quickly. Definitely, not a BB strength.
RIM, to me, is a company that just got stuck with the wrong people in charge. They were always thinking of products for people like them and thought that would always continue. Something like the American Leather Company years ago. Well, like those who were wedded to mainframe style computers and put down PCs they were made redundant.
Last edited by NoBox; 04-28-2016 at 05:02 PM..
04-28-2016, 06:21 PM
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Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Stepped away from buying device from carrier. I don't buy my appliances from the electric company. Carrier is a carrier. If electric company forced me to use their device, I would learn to do without a refrigerator. Air conditioning would be tough. I might have to move.
Bought unlocked, unbranded Passport direct from Shop BlackBerry. T-Mobile, BYOD, no contract. Best decision I ever made.
As far as BlackBerry's mistakes, they made a bunch and they are still making them. I think their biggest mistake was letting the carrier's define and dictate the mobile business and the constraints on mobile, then letting Apple come along and show everyone it didn't have to be that way, all the while expecting Apple to fail while BlackBerry's ideas of constraints on mobile turned out to be wrong.
Now BlackBerry is stuck with a reputation, most users thinking the brand went under years ago, and the rest too embarrassed to have their peers see them using it, and BlackBerry devices running Android probably will not be enough to turn things around.
- Ira
Last edited by aiharkness; 04-28-2016 at 06:25 PM..
04-28-2016, 07:29 PM
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Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
A lot of company's are going down due to bad executives on top. When there are a lot of the same products with a different name only a few will survive. Even Apple is in a bit of trouble. The stock dropped due to poor sales and one of it's largest investors dumped 45 million shares on the market saying it may not be a good future.
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04-30-2016, 06:41 PM
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Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
I'm pleasantly surprised to see how my topic took off after the last time I visited! 
So, on January 26th, T-Mobile launched the Priv (I had to buy the T-Mo branded version to ensure mine was fully compatible with all of the new, weird LTE Bands T-Mo is using) and I was there that day to buy one.
Speaking only for myself, and I am unanimous in this, it's exactly what I wanted in a new phone running Android! The phone prior to this, a Samsung Galaxy S4, was my first smartphone that didn't have a built-in hardware keyboard. So, I had to use cheap, Chinese-made Bluetooth keyboard cases with it. During the time I used it, I had probably 4-5 that I went through, because they just aren't durable.
Blackberry's quarterly sales numbers they just released revealed that sales were lower than expected for the Priv, owing in large part to the unwillingness of the all-important business customers to spend $700 a pop on them for their workforce. They told Blackberry they want devices more in the $400 range, which is the price point Blackberry is targeting with their next 2 Android phones.
The reluctance of people to spend $700 for a Top-Tier Android phone that's Blackberry's first truly competitive phone in years really shows how much they've eroded their good will with the customers, because people readily pay that much, or more, for the "Latest & Greatest" phones from Crapple and Samsung.
Naturally, there's been a recent permanent price drop on the Priv as a result. Now the carriers need to do their part, and advertise the phone. There are lots of people out there that still prefer a phone with a physical keyboard, rather than touchscreen only. And the only other options out there right now for a Top-Tier smartphone with an OEM physical QWERTY keyboard are as follows: - Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+
- Samsung Galaxy S7
- Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
Those 3 phones have an available Samsung OEM QWERTY Keyboard Case, which is a pathetic case for glass-backed phones, covering only the back, and the 4 corners. And as a keyboard, it pales in comparison to Blackberry's offerings. Here's what it looks like on the normal S7:
Faced with the choice of either buying a Glass-Backed Samsung Galaxy S7 ($680-700) with a Samsung QWERTY Keyboard Case ($60) OR the Blackberry Priv ($720 on T-Mobile when I bought it,) the Priv was actually CHEAPER and is far more durable than a phone with a glass back. And the Seidio case I put on it provides better protection than Samsung's QWERTY Keyboard Case provides to their phones. So, it's a total win-win as far as I'm concerned.
As always, Your Mileage May Vary. 
P.S. Please, don't waste my time, and yours, trying to convince me that a  Passport or a  Classic would have been options for me, because they weren't even in the running. The App Gap is simply too large between BB10 and the rest of the smartphone world. And as for the capabilities of the hardware, those were great phones... IN 2012. Too bad it's now 2016. Like it or not, the Priv is the ONLY truly modern, competitive smartphone that Blackberry offers right now. With 2 more Android phones on the way, I hope they can regain at least some market share, because NO ONE ELSE wants to offer smartphones with hardware QWERTY keyboards built-in, so as I mentioned before, the only other real options come from Samsung with its QWERTY Keyboard Cases.
Okay, sure, the cheap, Chinese-made Bluetooth keyboards are also available for id10tPhones up to at least the 6, but they really are shoddy and unreliable. Plus, id10tPhone. Eww!  
04-30-2016, 07:05 PM
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Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
I see your points. It took me forever to get used to a solely touchscreen device. BUT, I soon realized that for handheld devices I was a dinosaur. Plus, everywhere I went, in whatever business, touchscreens were it. Plus, BB software, even Android adapted, just doesn't measure up.
Posted via BlackBerryForums.com Mobile
04-30-2016, 09:34 PM
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Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Use what works best for you, Jack. We have our different needs and different preferences.
Agree BlackBerry didn't help itself with that price point. But truthfully BlackBerry has a lot going against it, much self-inflicted, that it's hard to say whether the price point was a big factor or just one more among many others.
Posted via BlackBerryForums.com Mobile
- Ira
05-01-2016, 03:13 PM
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Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Originally Posted by NoBox
I see your points. It took me forever to get used to a solely touchscreen device. BUT, I soon realized that for handheld devices I was a dinosaur. Plus, everywhere I went, in whatever business, touchscreens were it.
I understand that this is the case for Joe Q. Public, Moron At Large™. But that is not now, nor has it ever been, me.
Let me give you a little more info about me. I graduated from High School in the Class of 1991... 25 years ago. Back then, it was still possible to take TYPING as an Elective Class, and I did. I learned the art of Touch Typing in my Senior Year. And after that, I used it from time-to-time, often enough to stay in practice with it. Then, right around 1999, I began using it every day of my life, once I finally had a PC in the house with internet access.
At this point, the 2 most useful classes I ever took in school were Typing, and Driver's Ed. I use those skills every day of my life. I may not be as fast as a secretary, or a Data Entry Specialist, but I'm faster than most people I know. I also got my first "smartphone", a T-Mobile Color SideKick, in 2003, earlier than any of my friends. And I've had nothing but smartphones ever since. Every one of them has had a physical QWERTY keyboard either built-in, or added on in the case of the Galaxy S4. In 2005, I upgraded my Nextel phone to a BlackBerry 7200-series phone, and I stayed a loyal "CrackBerry Addict" for 7 years, only leaving in 2012 for Android once it became clear to me that BlackBerry's phones could no longer "keep up with the Joneses". When it was taking my phone 5 minutes to do even the simplest tasks, I knew it was time for a change.
At this point, Touch Typing is hardwired into my brain to the point where I could probably do it in my sleep. I am physically unable to use the touch screen keyboard for anything more than a very short note, or to dial a phone number. All because I can't FEEL THE KEYS.
Hell, take a look at this. This is my newest "toy" that I just bought a couple weeks ago, to use with both my Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 AND my BlackBerry Priv:
What you're seeing there is a full-sized Bluetooth keyboard that can be paired with 2 devices, and you can switch between the 2 devices at the flick of a switch. It's roughly the same size as the keyboards on most 17" Desktop Replacement laptops, with the same features: All the standard Windows/OS X keys, a standard Numeric Keypad, and a small, but usable, multi-touch trackpad.
I use it at home, or at work, when I know I'm going to be using either the tablet or the Priv as my main device for the day, and will want to either reply to emails, or post on message boards (such as this one) from the device. 
It was $30 on Amazon. Only things I would change about it, if asked for input for a new version, would be 2 things: - The keys could be back-lit, for use in low-light environments.
- I would have the manufacturer switch from the permanently sealed-in battery the current model has, to using either AAA or AA batteries that the user can change out whenever they need to.
Luckily for me, the Amazon Marketplace Seller that I bought it from not only has the lowest price, but they also resolve the second issue by giving the product a Lifetime Warranty (as opposed to the manufacturer's standard 1-year warranty.) So, when the battery loses its ability to hold a charge, I'll just send it in and have it exchanged for a new one! 
Originally Posted by aiharkness
Use what works best for you, Jack. We have our different needs and different preferences.
Agree BlackBerry didn't help itself with that price point. But truthfully BlackBerry has a lot going against it, much self-inflicted, that it's hard to say whether the price point was a big factor or just one more among many others.
Frankly, Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsille (sp?) ran their innovative, market-making company into the ground by clinging too hard to a dying business model. And to make matters worse, they compounded the problem by appointing a successor who'd worked directly under them for years, and would therefore have the same mindset as they did. So that's made the company's turnaround take even longer. In the cell phone business, as in ALL customer-driven businesses, as the customers' needs, wants, and buying patterns change, you either evolve, or you DIE. 
At this point, Chen has a big, uphill battle ahead of him to bring the company back to profitability. It may be too far gone at this point. Maybe 2 years from now, when it's time to upgrade my phone again, I'll have to choose a Samsung phone, and buy their OEM QWERTY Keyboard Case to go with it, because that'll be the only option that's available. If that ends up being the case, I hope to hell they'll have gotten rid of these idiotic glass backs on the phones by then.
But in the meantime, I'm back in Black(Berry) and here to stay as long as my Priv keeps working. And when the day comes that it's time for an upgrade, if BlackBerry is still around and has an upgrade path for me, I'll take it. 'Cuz no one else wants to make a phone for Touch Typists like myself any longer. They all want to make phones for Joe Q. Public, Moron At Large™... who most likely uses an id10tPhone! 
08-16-2016, 07:52 PM
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Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Hi BlackBerry Brothers!!!
I just had the Blackberry Passport over a year ago. I love this phone. I simply love it. I love that I can say that I don't use an iPhone, these days everybody has an iPhone. I think that I don't like to be like the rest of the people.
My Blackberry Passport just stands out. It's a different device and for that reason it makes me different. I use my phone for emails, chats, etc. I don't watch videos on my phone. I want to be able to go 2 days without having to charge my phone. I like to be able to write quickly. I guess I just like how BB makes me feels. (sound pathetic I know).
I just finished my PMP and decided to go for the Priv as my gift. Haven't received but I guess that as always I will love it. Is a shame that Blackberry has lost so much market share. Is really sad but it is what it is. I will continue to be a Blackberry fan and people recognize me because of that. is no longer strange to see me with a blackberry,
Have good day.
The Girl Avtar???[B] Elisha Cuthbert!!!
8700g > 8310 (Thanks Horizon!!!) > 8320 > 9530 > 8900 > iPhone 4 > i717 > Passport
08-17-2016, 11:58 AM
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Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Blackberry same as this forum is loosing ground.
ATT only shows 2 Blackberry's. PRIV is over $700
Verizon only one BB PRIV over $700
Tmobile none but does have a screen protector for the PRIV (???)
Sprint None
So looking for phone from Blackberry is a problem. Blackberry has their head in the sand and should be lowering the price and pushing carriers to sell the phone.
The phone is available from non carriers much less $300 to 450 but the average user must be able to do the setup themselves.
Most wont so it may explain why the Blackberry sales are very disappointing per the media. You can see posts here with very basic questions from newbies that a store could answer. I'm leaning to the DTEK50 but with the latest news on a big security problem with PRIV and potentially the DTEK50 Quadrouter vulnerability's
Blackberry "claims" the fix built will patch against the fourth and final vulnerability of the QuadRooter exploit. Seems a bit weird because Android stated the final will be in September.
The other issue is it's available to those who purchased it directly from BB now and the others "soooooon"
It may be time to go back to a bag phone  
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Last edited by tsac; 08-17-2016 at 11:59 AM..
08-29-2016, 08:03 PM
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Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
I bought Priv 10 days ago and now the good want to give it away as quickly as possible
11-07-2016, 03:54 AM
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Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
It was an elegant phone. But, Blackberry has lost the charm of standalone and not going into the android stuff. This was good if blackberry tries to innovate its current brand of products and stick with it's old and golden rules of business. All the mobile vendors are just trying to grab more and more money without standing on firm ground. It will be good for them for short term, but I am seeing a long decline in the overall market for those guys, in coming years.
01-23-2017, 01:01 PM
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Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
My PRIV does not work on THIS, how can I fix it?
01-23-2017, 10:09 PM
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Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
If you want an answer you need to detail the problem and not just post a You tube
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02-10-2017, 12:24 PM
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Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
If you know anything about Blackberry history you would know Blueberries are one of the models.
Maybe you can spam another forum
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