I've just purchased a Blackberry Curve 9300, my first Blackberry, so I know nothing of it's operating system or inbuilt security.
I am a techno novice who hasn't the first clue so please be patient with me..
Now I am used to my PC and having to have antivirus software on it. I've also recently had an android which my neighbours lad instantly put AVG on, insisting it should be protected.
And now my problem is this, and I have this problem cos I'm stupid...;) I've been having a look through this section, and I just plain can't get my head round the fact that my Blackberry can go onto the internet and such as Facebook etc without some sort of antivirus thing on it, cos I just can't understand how a Blackberry can't catch viruses or why there are no viruses that will attack a Blackberry.
My android was an upgrade with my contract and was a pain in the rear, so I have bought this one myself. So not only do I want to look after it for the money spent side of things, but it's now my 'baby' and just about the bestest ever phone and I love it to bits and want to look after it...
I wonder if someone could explain in simple terms to this rather thick aged Blackberry owner why they don't get viruses etc...
Ang x