Any application to input latitude & longitude for BB??
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Any application to input latitude & longitude for BB?? Would help in hiking where known waypoints taken from hikers or travellers in general.
I need to input in lat, long. Also, storing in lat,long would be nice also.
Does anyone know of a BB aplication that does this?
Thanks in advance.
Re: Any application to input latitude & longitude for BB??
Open Google Maps.
Press the Menu button.
Select Search Map.
Type the coordinates. Be sure that you are using Decimal Degrees. Make sure that you put a comma (or a space) in between the latitude and longitude.
Click Search or press the Enter key.
Re: Any application to input latitude & longitude for BB??
You can input latitudes and longitudes in the Black Berry Maps application that comes already loaded too. And can save them to your Favorites. Click Advanced under Find Location and in the Address field enter the latitude, a comma and the longitude as a decimal. Remember that for south of the equator latitude is negative and west of the Greenwich Meridian west is also negative. You also can save these coordinates in the contact's Address 1 field.
Google Maps sometimes does not give the true location unless you prefix it with "loc:" its case sensitive too. I found it a kinda backward upgrade starting from version 4.5.2. Posted via Mobile