WES 2010: Mobile Conference Guide
BlackBerry App World - BlackBerry WES Mobile Guide
Download the Mobile Conference Guide in BlackBerry App World!
Download the Mobile Conference Guide by Sweet Caesar to get the latest conference information including sessions, sponsor listing, maps, speaker info and fill out session surveys right from your BlackBerry® smartphone.
1. Go to BlackBerry App World™ and search for "WES 2010" or go to
BlackBerry App World - BlackBerry WES Mobile Guide.
2. Don't have BlackBerry App World? Simply visit
Download BlackBerry App World from your smartphone to download. Or
click here to enter an email address that is integrated with your BlackBerry smartphone and have the download link sent to you.
3. Download the application for free and start planning your time!
You'll need your registration user name and password* to schedule sessions.
If you have any questions about the Mobile Conference Guide, feel free to email technical support at
![[email address]](?emailimage=7b1b0ce5af2594fa652206f9dcd19903)
The WES 2010 Mobile Conference Guide is a handy, easy way to schedule your time and keep up on what’s happening, right from your BlackBerry® smartphone. You can view the full list of breakout sessions, look up details such as speakers, sessions, and search for sponsors. This will be your onsite tool to fill out breakout session surveys, review conference maps and stay up to date with the conference blogs. This conference app will automatically update you when there are schedule changes, synchronize with your conference calendar in the My Scheduler tool on your desktop and you can add scheduled sessions to your BlackBerry calendar. Stay tuned for more features.
Please note: Access to some features are restricted to registered users of WES 2010.
Support: OS 4.5.0 ~ 5.0.0. Pearl, Bold, 8800, Curve, Storm, 8900, Bold 2 and Storm 2 and Flip. SD Card required for Multimedia.
*Use the user name and password you created when registering for WES 2010. If you have forgotten your password,
click here to have your login information emailed to you.
I'm just the messenger of this information. I take no responsibility for the accuracy, integrity or technical support within this message. It was compiled from 2 different webpages on my own time as a courtesy to my fellow WES Attendees. If you can't figure out how to do download or install the application yourself or follow the directions, you probably shouldn't own a BlackBerry. ~DBB