Originally Posted by jeremyckitching
Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry Curve 8900)
I know that holding the Volume Up key will skip to the next song, and the Volume Down key the previous song.
this no longer works under os 6 when ur bb is holstered or locked and drives me nuts

and u cannot increase or decrease ur in-call volume either if ur unit is holstered which defeats the purpose of having those keys there.
and what was good about these volume controls (when they worked under OS 5) was that various apps used them in different ways. for example tunewiki let u not only increase or decrease the volume, but if u hold down a key it would let you skip to the next or the previous streaming radio station that you had saved in your favourite. that was very nice cause u didn't have to take out your phone to change the station (all while the phone is holstered or locked)
But i really do wish they would fix them or some1 let me know how to enable them...pleeeaaasssee.