Originally Posted by jbeek
...And lastly, the built-in BBmaps automatically turns on my Bluetooth, thereby saving 1 of 3 steps (turn on GPS puck, turn on Bluetooth on Pearl, start logger or navigation program) ... would it be possible to add this to GPSlogger?
The main problem with this is, that's right now impossible for me to test a possible implementation... since I do not know what I should do in my code in order to do exactly the things that are done under the hood when you are doing these steps... Of course I believe, that it would be possible to CODE such a behaviour - but since the absence of a GPS-Puck [and that I am not aware, that it would be possible to have a GPS-Puck in the Phone Simulator?] it's almost impossible for me to write such a code right now
All I can try is that you specify a Bluetooth device name in the options, and that GPSLogger tries to connect to that device at startup...
In any other case I would require some hardware donations - or somebody in my area would come by (at the weekend) and we will develop this feature together