- Itrezzo
Integrates with the address book (on the device and mail server), so that's their claim to fame for integration with non-BlackBerry devices. If you have a large BCP target audience, this gets quite messy. They do have the ability to easily generate and push browser channel objects, so that's one big plus. The management interface is easy to navigate and configure, although the entire process (if from scratch) takes quite a while (on-the-fly testing is a time-consuming headache).
- Wallace Wireless
Wallace is, by far, the best product in this market space. It has a dedicated application for all of it's functions (which are modular), provides an instant messaging interface (over MDS, PIN and SMS), and easy click-to-call functionality ...and it has auditing capabilities. The only thing it lacks is that it adds an extra layer of management (from it's own dedicated interface). If there is a dedicated BCP group, then I would say this would be a perfect product... tho, it is a tad more expensive than Itrezzo. Rob Moffet (CEO) is a stand-up character and a great guy.
- Concevium's mobileRED
This has still not been released, but it will plugin to their mobileAnalyzer product interface. The management interface is very basic, as is the handheld interface. In all honesty, it looks like Concevium wanted to branch out into non-monitoring areas (perhaps due to some pushing from a major customer of theirs) and this was the result of some fairly quick development. I was not impressed. Also, I don't believe pricing had been set. If you're a Concevium and/or NeverFail customer, it may be worth looking at, though.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.