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Old 05-13-2008, 09:34 PM   #1
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Default BlackBerry Developers Conference

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Waterloo, ON – Research In Motion (RIM) (Nasdaq: RIMM; TSX: RIM) today announced plans to launch a new annual developer conference. The BlackBerry® Developer Conference will provide commercial and corporate developers from around the world with opportunities to advance their skills and knowledge in building powerful, world-class applications on the market-leading BlackBerry® platform. The BlackBerry Developer Conference is planned for the week of October 20, 2008 in Santa Clara, California.

“Based on growing demand from the BlackBerry development community, we are very pleased to announce a new conference focused on developing consumer and business applications for the BlackBerry platform,” said Mike Lazaridis, President and Co-CEO at RIM. “The new annual BlackBerry Developer Conference in the fall will complement the successful Wireless Enterprise Symposium held each spring and will provide a dedicated forum to help developers keep pace with advances in the latest hardware, software, tools and best practices for developing on the BlackBerry platform.”

The BlackBerry Developer Conference will feature keynote presentations by thought leaders and innovators in mobile technologies, general sessions, roundtable discussions, hands-on workshops, networking opportunities and exhibits, enabling a broad range of developers, from novices to seasoned experts, to learn more about developing applications and services for the BlackBerry platform.

Topics planned for this year’s conference include:

Building Powerful Enterprise Applications on the BlackBerry Platform – It has never been easier for corporate developers to extend business systems to the mobile workforce. Participants can learn about the latest tools, techniques and frameworks for building native, integrated BlackBerry® smartphone applications that leverage the security, manageability and push-based features of the BlackBerry platform.
Creating Captivating Applications & Services for Consumers – With growing interest in consumer applications for BlackBerry smartphones, the BlackBerry Developer Conference will help participants learn best practices for building media-rich, easy-to-use, lifestyle applications.
Latest Development Tools – Find out what’s new with the latest releases of the BlackBerry® Java Development Environment (JDE), BlackBerry® JDE Plug-in for Eclipse, BlackBerry® Plug-in for Microsoft Visual Studio, and BlackBerry® MDS Studio. Get hands-on training and learn about the most recent advancements in BlackBerry and Java APIs, and simulation and testing tools.
Rich Internet Application Development – Learn about the latest advancements in developing Rich Internet Applications (RIA) for BlackBerry smartphones and how to take advantage of AJAX, streaming video, SVG, GPS, and other advanced features of the BlackBerry Browser.
Integrating Location-Based Services – Learn about the possibilities for integrating location data with web-based and native BlackBerry applications.
For updates and more information about the new BlackBerry Developer Conference, including upcoming details on how to register, visit BlackBerry Developer Conference.

Visit BlackBerry - BlackBerry Developer Program | Support, Downloads, Knowledge Base, Community for the latest news, information and updates for BlackBerry developers. Also, visit the new BlackBerry Developer Video Library at BlackBerry - Developer Video Library to view a variety of instructional videos.
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