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Old 12-27-2005, 11:28 PM   #81
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Is email address and phone number sufficent for RIM to contact me?

Old 12-27-2005, 11:55 PM   #82
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Yes, that is all they need for now and if they need your mailing address they can ask you for it. I am making a second list to send them by the end of the week. After that, users will need to deal with Cingular for exchanges as I don't have the time to do this repeatedly. I will keep everyone advised as to the resolution that gets worked out.

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Old 12-29-2005, 01:46 PM   #83
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1 - I doubt that 100,000's of 8700 units have been sold so far, so the ratio of affected versus manufactured/in use is probably a bit lower (probably 10,000 or so, if that)...

2 - I really like to see these threads come up, but I don't necessarily like to see all of the 'ask RIM for me...' type questions that tend to come afterwards - its rather annoying to read, and I'm sure its somewhat frustrating to John. If the latter is the case (and you can say as much, John), everyone should keep their replies limited to reports of similar issues on requested information (such as the dust issue, currently).

I'm sure that most people do not think they have the means to speak to RIM about issues, but you do. You simply call your carrier, or sometimes you can even call RIM directly, about the issue and report it up. If RIM is claiming they are not receiving customer complaints from the carrier, then there is obviously a QA issue that needs to be addressed from both sides. Relying on a single person on an internet forum is not always the greatest means of getting your issues and information to the proper sources - then again, going through the correct and suggested escalation route isn't always the best way either. However, if an issue is reported enough by enough people, and then rinsed and repeated, eventually someone will have to address it (in a logical customer-oriented business world).
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Old 12-29-2005, 02:07 PM   #84
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1 - I doubt that 100,000's of 8700 units have been sold so far, so the ratio of affected versus manufactured/in use is probably a bit lower (probably 10,000 or so, if that)...
I heard a higher number mentioned by RIM but I thought I would be more conservative...

2 - I really like to see these threads come up, but I don't necessarily like to see all of the 'ask RIM for me...' type questions that tend to come afterwards - its rather annoying to read, and I'm sure its somewhat frustrating to John. If the latter is the case (and you can say as much, John), everyone should keep their replies limited to reports of similar issues on requested information (such as the dust issue, currently).
I wanted to keep this thread to serious issues that RIM might not have been aware of and to act as an information channel (hopefully not the only channel for information). Currently the only real issue with any repeatability across multiple units appears to be the dust issue and as I stated, after Friday I will not be gathering the info as RIM is well aware of the situation.

I'm sure that most people do not think they have the means to speak to RIM about issues, but you do. You simply call your carrier, or sometimes you can even call RIM directly, about the issue and report it up. If RIM is claiming they are not receiving customer complaints from the carrier, then there is obviously a QA issue that needs to be addressed from both sides. Relying on a single person on an internet forum is not always the greatest means of getting your issues and information to the proper sources - then again, going through the correct and suggested escalation route isn't always the best way either. However, if an issue is reported enough by enough people, and then rinsed and repeated, eventually someone will have to address it (in a logical customer-oriented business world).

This is correct. Each users should pursue the other means available to them including calling Cingular and getting devices replaced. The initial report I have from the tester I know states that the unit he has does not appear to have any dust issues but he is still testing the device.

I will report the findings from RIM when I get them. I currently have two 8700s and had two prior to that without any problems on any of them. It may turn out that it is eaither one of the production lines or assembly locations that is introducing the dust into the units and not a design flaw at all. We will find out.

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Old 01-02-2006, 02:47 PM   #85
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I must say, not a lot of complaints about my 8700. GREAT battery life - based on a monthly average of 5K+ minutes, I've put it to good use. The Bluetooth works well also. It has only been in the past 2 weeks or so that I've noticed the dust issues. Not terribly troubling, but for the $300+ I dropped, yeah...a cleaner screen certainly wouldn't hurt my feelings.

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Old 01-03-2006, 10:09 PM   #86
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As promised here is what I communicated to RIM (minus the contact info on the individuals) and their response to me today: I said:

Here is the list of names sent to me since Tuesday with dust issues. You can add my name to the list as the Show unit is now starting to show dust under the screen. Still small amount at this point but becoming noticeable.

Also there were at least three attendees that still have not received their units. I am enclosing the name and contact info for the one I have and when the other two send me their info I will forward it to you.

RIM Said:
Thanks John. We're just waiting to get a few more of the recently built units to swap with these folks (and now yourself).


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Old 01-04-2006, 10:26 PM   #87
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You are a gift to this community.

Thanks again for all your efforts and look forward to hearing from RIM.

Old 01-04-2006, 11:32 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by barjohn
Thanks John. We're just waiting to get a few more of the recently built units to swap with these folks (and now yourself).
Are the recently built units any different then the older ones and if so, how do you tell the difference between old and new?

I just found in another thread that the modified units haven't been released yet. I have to decide if I should keep my Verizon 7130 that rotates between 1x, 1X, 1XEV and of course the 'no signal' icon or get the dusty 8700.
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Last edited by MooseBerry; 01-04-2006 at 11:41 PM.. Reason: New info in another thread.
Old 01-06-2006, 09:25 AM   #89
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I just received this word from RIM:

John, Today the units will start going out to the folks you have sent us info on today.

I know this isn't much information and doesn't answer all of the questions that have been raised but it is a start. I will try and get more information today and post it.

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Old 01-06-2006, 09:59 AM   #90
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I am starting to get inundated with questions from users that only sent me minimal contact information and did not include their mailing address. I sent in what I received. I presume that RIM will have someone contact the people that did not provide mailing addressess to get them from those of you that did not send me mailing addressess. I don't want to be rude, but I don't have the time to collect all of these and send them in to RIM so please don't PM or PIN me asking me to do it. This issue has taken a lot of my time and I work a pretty demanding job, so I really don't have more time to give to it. Like all of you I want to see this issue resolved so we can move on to more fun things like bugging them about push-to-talk, voice dialing or UMTS/HSDPA support.

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Old 01-06-2006, 06:57 PM   #91
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I had further discussion with RIM today. They will be contacting those of you on the lists I sent and doing an exchange. Anyone that did not get to me should send me a PM and I will provide a point of contact to get their unit exchanged. RIM has asked that the POC not be made public as they want to deal with the affected individuals and not everyone that thinks it might happen. The numbers are relatively small at present (less than 60 units known). I also asked about broken screens when someone inadvertantly drops the unit and was told that RIM does perform out of warranty or non warranty repairs. It is usually handled through the carrier but if that proves impossible it can be handled directly through RIM. They are looking into making screens available to a third party repair organization. I will keep you informed.

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Old 01-16-2006, 02:02 PM   #92
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Old 01-16-2006, 02:10 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by barjohn
I also asked about broken screens when someone inadvertantly drops the unit and was told that RIM does perform out of warranty or non warranty repairs. It is usually handled through the carrier but if that proves impossible it can be handled directly through RIM. They are looking into making screens available to a third party repair organization. I will keep you informed.
thanks barjohn! any idea how much a repair like that might cost? when it first happened to me, I had contacted cingular and they were trying to charge me $220 when I had only paid $199 for the 8700 (thanks to an ibm discount). I'd be willing to pay up to $100 but would LOVE it between $50-75.
Old 01-16-2006, 02:28 PM   #94
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As I understand it, the screens alone will probably cost $125 so adding labor I would expect close to $200. Not much different than the car business. Add up the cost for parts and you can buy 10 cars for the same amount without the labor. If you can purchase a new unit to replace it for $200 I would go that route personally. I seriously doubt if you will find a screen repaced for under $150. PPCTechs charges $239 to replace the LCD and touchscreen on an HTC BlueAngel for example.

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Old 02-20-2006, 04:11 PM   #95
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Reading through this thread, it's obvious that you are well in touch with RIM. But how about the Cingular side? Specifically:

My 7100g is barely Bluetooth capable with car kits, but firmware 4.1 is supposed to correct many of the issues. I know that an international release has been made, but Cingular has not yet "blessed" it. Any there any insider info to be had regarding an approval date?

Also, reading back several msgs, there was a request for RIM to add non-OEM carkit (i.e. afermarket) compatibility info to their Knowledge Base article. It would be great if they could publish info on the major players - Motorola, Parrot, etc.

Old 02-20-2006, 05:53 PM   #96
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While I have some RIM contacts and a lesser degree of Cingular contacts, I try not to bother them with issues that are not in a critical path. I have mentioned expanding theri coverage of Bluetooth car kits but I suspect that this is not very high on their priority list. If you can find 4.1 firmware that is not Cingular for your device and it will provide you the functionality you need, use it. I do. On my 7290 I use the Hong Kong version because it supports the address book. I use the Hong Long version on my 8700 because I hope it has fixes that are not in the earlier releases. I have not experienced problems with either on Cingular througout the U.S.

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Old 03-10-2006, 10:22 AM   #97
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Hi John -

Have you heard anything new about the BIS rollout?

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Old 03-10-2006, 11:10 AM   #98
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No I haven't.

I have been pretty busy with a project at work and haven't had much time lately.

For more information see barJohn Reviews It
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