Originally Posted by tsac
Google does not support any OS 10 devices or any Blackberry that does not have the latest Android OS.
What do you mean when you say
Google does not support..?
There is no technical support, but in terms of software running there is a fair amount of compatibility. I have not tried the Google security scanner because it is a background process and I'm short on processor time. I also might not have a way to know when it is working (or not working as the case may be).
But for Google apps more generally: Google PlayStore and Google Maps both work on my Classic (BBOS BlackBerry officially says the maps won't work, but the PR bluff is not strictly true. Google Chrome starts but cannot locate websites and the cause is not known (might be Google settings, but I also do not have BIS/BES).
Evidence suggests there is a degree of (obfuscated) compatibility between BlackBerry and Google; certainly BlackBerry Classic provides much better support for current Google Apps than the Google Nexus One (or any other old Android phone) does. I would highlight that APK packages from PlayStore are not very fast on a Classic with BBOS 10, but there may be workarounds for that as well if you are determined enough.
Of course the lifespan of updates is limited. Libraries that 'glue' applications to processors need to be compiled for both an OS and a processor, so as consumers we are very dependent on what the companies in the middle of the stack choose to do. That is one reason why
some prefer to use an open source stack. You can, if you want, try Ubuntu on a BlackBerry or try Ubuntu as an intermediary for transferring APK/Java code from the PlayStore to a BlackBerry. It is not worth my time to bother but it is also not implausible.
P.S. According to Qualcomm and BlackBerry, my Q20 and your Z10 contain the same processor and can run the same OS 10.3.3.x, so I do not understand why we have such different experiences?