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Old 09-04-2017, 03:43 AM   #1
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Default Hi everyone, my question is on security field.

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Do I need an anti-virus on BlackBerry and if so, then recommend the best one, please. Thank you.
Old 09-04-2017, 07:51 PM   #2
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Default Re: Hi everyone, my question is on security field.

Generally the Blackberry does not need any anti virus software on it for the OS 10 and older versions. The new Android models can have issues but not as much as other phones on the market. To be safe it would be best to download an app for anti-virus on any Android phone. Security pros highly recommend it be added to all Android phones. Users would also be very wise to avoid downloading files and apps from unknown sources.
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Old 01-29-2018, 09:54 PM   #3
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Default Re: Hi everyone, my question is on security field.

Ok so in an attempt to find Charav company and ANY detail on who they are and where they are from ended in a zero finding.
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Old 05-21-2018, 08:14 AM   #4
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Default Re: Hi everyone, my question is on security field.

One of reason to get a BlackBerry device is: Security
Old 05-21-2018, 04:42 PM   #5
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Default Re: Hi everyone, my question is on security field.

Any extra process (such as an AV) will help burn out your battery.

Security needs to be proportional. Perhaps you can check your phone with an AV on your PC that scans connected USB devices?

P.S. PlayStore includes an optional and free Google security scanner.
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Last edited by Lactobacillus; 05-21-2018 at 04:45 PM..
Old 05-21-2018, 07:46 PM   #6
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Default Re: Hi everyone, my question is on security field.

Google does not support any OS 10 devices or any Blackberry that does not have the latest Android OS.
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Old 05-27-2018, 11:40 AM   #7
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Default Re: Hi everyone, my question is on security field.

Originally Posted by tsac View Post
Google does not support any OS 10 devices or any Blackberry that does not have the latest Android OS.
What do you mean when you say Google does not support..?

There is no technical support, but in terms of software running there is a fair amount of compatibility. I have not tried the Google security scanner because it is a background process and I'm short on processor time. I also might not have a way to know when it is working (or not working as the case may be).

But for Google apps more generally: Google PlayStore and Google Maps both work on my Classic (BBOS BlackBerry officially says the maps won't work, but the PR bluff is not strictly true. Google Chrome starts but cannot locate websites and the cause is not known (might be Google settings, but I also do not have BIS/BES).

Evidence suggests there is a degree of (obfuscated) compatibility between BlackBerry and Google; certainly BlackBerry Classic provides much better support for current Google Apps than the Google Nexus One (or any other old Android phone) does. I would highlight that APK packages from PlayStore are not very fast on a Classic with BBOS 10, but there may be workarounds for that as well if you are determined enough.

Of course the lifespan of updates is limited. Libraries that 'glue' applications to processors need to be compiled for both an OS and a processor, so as consumers we are very dependent on what the companies in the middle of the stack choose to do. That is one reason why some prefer to use an open source stack. You can, if you want, try Ubuntu on a BlackBerry or try Ubuntu as an intermediary for transferring APK/Java code from the PlayStore to a BlackBerry. It is not worth my time to bother but it is also not implausible.

P.S. According to Qualcomm and BlackBerry, my Q20 and your Z10 contain the same processor and can run the same OS 10.3.3.x, so I do not understand why we have such different experiences?
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Last edited by Lactobacillus; 05-27-2018 at 01:07 PM..
Old 06-12-2018, 09:01 PM   #8
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Default Re: Hi everyone, my question is on security field.

The issue I have is the OS levels and the Android levels on the older phones including the Z20 and others is not beng updated and from what I can find can be done to allow the phones to use some maybe not all newer apps.
As I have said in other posts the lack of current Android ability with the Z10 and others is allowing Google to block the downloading of newer apps such as the latest Onstar Mylink app. Google will not even allow a download and checks Android version before you can even sign up for service with Goggle at least in my experience
The ability to track and send apps relating to the users location may just be the real reason along with the push to force sales of updated phones on users.
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Old 06-15-2018, 08:01 AM   #9
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Exclamation Lower the version needed by the apps..

App publishers all too often target the newest platform version without rhyme or reason.

There is a decision making process that favours doing this: They can upgrade their build environment and target most users, to which the response is to immediately proceed!

(The unheard counter-argument is that they could instead do nothing and target all users, but how many build architects would suggest that?)

If you have permission, you can convert APK/DEX to Java source code using a decompiler and then try compiling the Java for a different platform. The danger is that dependencies might have different interfaces and be potentially time consuming to fix, so this approach could become a really big project.
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Last edited by Lactobacillus; 06-15-2018 at 08:31 AM..
Old 06-30-2018, 01:08 PM   #10
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Default Re: Lower the version needed by the apps..

Originally Posted by Lactobacillus View Post
App publishers all too often target the newest platform version without rhyme or reason.

There is a decision making process that favours doing this: They can upgrade their build environment and target most users, to which the response is to immediately proceed!

(The unheard counter-argument is that they could instead do nothing and target all users, but how many build architects would suggest that?)

If you have permission, you can convert APK/DEX to Java source code using a decompiler and then try compiling the Java for a different platform. The danger is that dependencies might have different interfaces and be potentially time consuming to fix, so this approach could become a really big project.

Ok but in my opinion it's all about marketing and not techical support or the ability to forward support. Google does ot worry about users beyond its ability to monitor, track and sell info to buyers.
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Old 06-30-2018, 01:09 PM   #11
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Default Re: Hi everyone, my question is on security field.

Originally Posted by inlogo View Post
Oh Your question is so great. I need an anti-virus for Win 8 of HP PC. I want to your help, please. Thank you <3

As for the AV for windows 8, try microsoft security essentials windows 8
its free. There are others that work as well. Do an internet search for a few free ones. Free vs paid is generally only dfferent on some items you may not need. You can decide.
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