Agreed, Apple is seeing the drop in sales from China and other countries. I suspect the next big mobile phone will be called pomegranate or maybe a watermelon.
It is unlikely that Apple would merge with Google but it is possible that an Apple Amazon merger could be in the future as Amazon does not have much Amazon branded hardware at present.
Something to think about as the distribution cost for selling the phones would drop drastically.
There is no Hope. She left last week.
Names are talking a strange twist. Yahoo sold parts of the business and will rename to Altaba. The new name is meant to be a combination of the words alternative and Alibaba, A Chinese company. The new public traded name will be RemainCO. email addresses will sound like a toddler trying to say something.
Verizon will buy email and a few other services and call that OATH
Either way some real weird people are creating the names so how long before Apple changes it's name to Prune ?
The only reason I started to look is the email Yahoo sent indicating they were selling to Verizon and I was wondering about email domain changes
Amazon acquired Whole Foods (Whole paycheck) Now rumors are still floating they are looking at BJ's also.
As for buying a cell phone maker, why bother, they sell them already and don't have the headaches of making them.