Re: OS 10.3.3 Problems and Fixes
dern, post q10 os upgrade, the toyotaxxx8217;s garmin/kenwood and the mustangxxx8217;s garmin/kenwood both paired fine and almost automatically with q10. great. well, this afternoon, the bluetooth association has quit with toyotaxxx8217;s garmin/kenwood, but continues to work fine with mustangxxx8217;s garmin/kenwood. i have tried for the last nearly thirty minutes trying to re-pair q10 with toyotaxxx8217;s garmin/kenwood but all to no avail. i am not techie by a long shot. guess i am going to have to try and buy some time from an expert do get things back working with toyotaxxx8217;s garmin/kenwood.
UPDATE: ha, never mind. i found an old instruction guide and figured out a step i was missing. now q10 paired again with head unit in both cars (whew)
Last edited by btaylor1; 04-07-2017 at 08:06 PM..