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Old 12-09-2016, 07:40 AM   #1
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Anyone come across this issue...

I have my BES12.5.0 configured fine (I think) and when I test the BSCP connection it says "successful".

I am trying to activate a device using AFW Work & Personal Premium activation type. The device activates (I see it in BES Console associated to the user), all the apps are installed except the BSCP application installs and gets removed by the looks of things. this results in the device not completing the full activation as it fails with the error message "Manual Setup Required"

I only push the following apps from Google BSCP, Contacts, calendar, Notes, HUB+Services, Tasks, HUB and Calendar - all download and install except BSCP.

I am on PRIV running Android 6.0.1

any ideas ? I am stuck on this - tried everything.
Old 12-09-2016, 02:50 PM   #2
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Default Re: Priv

This link may help. It's related to Apple but may lead you in a direction to help.

BSCP application is not deployed with Apple VPP license
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Last edited by tsac; 12-09-2016 at 02:54 PM..
Old 02-13-2017, 11:15 AM   #3
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Default Re: Priv

I spoke to BB support and they suggested that I upgrade to BES 12.5.2, done that and same error.

I can see that the Blackberry Connectivity app is connected, its just the Android for Work doesn't work, so no emails etc.

The device fails to fully activate with Error "Can't connect to server. Please check your settings, and try again"

any other suggestions, I am out of ideas for now ?
Old 02-13-2017, 04:41 PM   #4
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Default Re: Priv

Ok , first I'm not an expert on the BES stuff but doing some reading of your post and others it seems the purpose of the BSCP app is security and the BES server give an IP address to communicate with the secure services.
It may be your not allowed to use the IP address. Another thing I would do is not configure any added Apps . Just start with a clean factory level and add the BSCP app. No google etc.
Once you get it working then try other apps. Keep in mind the security level may block other apps from working at least that's the impression I get from reading various posts.

this is from another posting with information

"If you had run the BlackBerry 12 readiness tool, you would have been able to test connectivity before doing the BES12 install. I know hingsight but the tool is readily available for download.
You need to ensure you proxy is configured to allow BES to communicate with the BlackBerry infrastructure. Communications are outbound intitate, bi-directional TCP 3101 for the server.
Please review the BES12 configureation guide BlackBerry UEM - 12.6
Page 23 - 26
to get things working, it may be easier to stop the currently running BES12 services, download, install & run the readiness tool

This way you can quickly play with settings to get your proxy tests working."

This link may also help

BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus devices receive an IP address from the BES12 Server but can not pass traffic past the BES12 server
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Old 03-24-2017, 05:48 AM   #5
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I'm new and I'm interested in this topic. Thank you!
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