I was using iPhones for about 4 years straight and then I have switched to BB PRIV. I have re-downloaded apps that I liked on the iPhone and straight away I have noticed that the screen inside of all the games is cut on the edges... to a point that sometimes it is hard to press items/butons located near the edge.
In games like Plauge Inc. where you have a world wide view when pop-up shows up on Greenland it is half cut off, and that is just one example of many.
I was going through Google app store searching for anything that can affect or change projected screen size/ratio in gaming apps and I have found out application that can do that require "root access" which is impossible on PRIV due to security level.
Has anybody else noticed that? If yes is there known way to fix this issue, or we have to wait untill BB/Google will be notified and then they will fix it?