Originally Posted by Carterofmars
Switch to a Treo.
Click this. Look at BB's future.
You mean Palm's future is to fail miserably at OS development, split into two companies and have one half absorbed into a Linux development consortium while the other schisms into Microsoft? Sorry, I don't think so.
The Treo: Been there, done that, chucked it when it started randomly crashing and rebooting on me. I then grew up and went to a stable platform, and now here I am.
And frankly, every Palmophile should be ashamed of the fact that Palm had to resort to using a Windows OS for the 700w. What, no Cobalt?
Palm HAD a good idea, and blew it. And the great thing is, RIMM appears to be planning to pick up where Palm left off:
And it'll most likely be reliable, too. THAT is BB's future.