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Old 04-05-2016, 12:19 PM   #1
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Default DTEK? What about core apps?

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So DTEK firewall's 3rd party apps. What about core apps? If not, maybe marshmallow v.6 release? Can one block contacts for example?
Old 04-05-2016, 08:15 PM   #2
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Default Re: DTEK? What about core apps?

Blackberry added an App ( DTEK ) to fix the many security issues with PRIV Android cell phones. As with any software it may not be the perfect solution to what is software ( Android LINUX OS) that most users are clueless about. Today many people put all kind of information on their phones and never give it a thought. DTEK when used by the user is only another thing that will tell the user there may be a security issue. It is not advertised as a firewall and based on available information it is just an alarm bell.
It is also generally intended to be a security feature for separating work and guest data on the phone and notifying the user of issues when used.
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Last edited by tsac; 04-05-2016 at 08:16 PM..
Old 04-06-2016, 08:47 PM   #3
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Default Re: DTEK? What about core apps?

Originally Posted by tsac View Post
Blackberry added an App ( DTEK ) to fix the many security issues with PRIV Android cell phones. As with any software it may not be the perfect solution to what is software ( Android LINUX OS) that most users are clueless about. Today many people put all kind of information on their phones and never give it a thought. DTEK when used by the user is only another thing that will tell the user there may be a security issue. It is not advertised as a firewall and based on available information it is just an alarm bell.
It is also generally intended to be a security feature for separating work and guest data on the phone and notifying the user of issues when used.
Hmm... Ok thanks for the info. I got the impression it would block access to ports or certain info stored on the phone. I guess I would need a rooted firewall for that (although they say you can't root the PRIV). Sounds more like a marketing scheme more than anything.

It was mentioned someplace that Android v.6 (Marshmallow) would have something similar to iOS whereby you can grant or block access to certain personal info used by apps (i.e.: contacts, location, etc.). Perhaps that's down the pike.

Old 04-07-2016, 08:43 AM   #4
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Default Re: DTEK? What about core apps?

Help Put Android Marshmallow on PRIV by Joining our Beta Program | Inside BlackBerry

if you want to try marshmallow, its full but they are adding in more
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Old 04-07-2016, 08:52 PM   #5
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Default Re: DTEK? What about core apps?

I'm waiting for the SMORES!!
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Old 04-24-2016, 02:57 PM   #6
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Default Re: DTEK? What about core apps?

DTEK is preventing users from rooting the device.
Taking control from our hands, in exchange for our privacy.
DTEK can modify,change or delete your user anytime.
DTEK acts as a anti-virus that is located away from your phone and is connected via Cloud(gsm).
DTEK have access to all apps on your device, where before users could root the device and monitor what is going on by themselves.
DTEK acts as SuperUser watching and recording everything you do. And no, you have no access to the information they are collecting about the BB users via DTEK.

It is a very bad move by Blackberry/Google.
It reminds me of Windows 10, where everything you do is monitored "live", and you can't turn that prying eye off.

To our luck there are ways to Root PRIV, until next DTEK auto-update(you can turn the "auto" off)...

Think of BlackBerry PRIV as a receiver that you can only use to receive.
Other phone options are taken away by DTEK to limit user freedom on their own phone in exchnage for suposed security.
Bad trade.
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Last edited by MarcinM; 04-24-2016 at 02:59 PM.. Reason: Grammar
Old 04-24-2016, 08:24 PM   #7
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Default Re: DTEK? What about core apps?

With Blackberry's attitude on software vs. Hardware it wont be long before they sell DTEK to Apple for the IOS. Reading the various blogs, people are thinking it is something they need. Then everything will be remotely monitored.
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Old 04-26-2016, 10:28 AM   #8
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Default Re: DTEK? What about core apps?

Originally Posted by MarcinM View Post
DTEK is preventing users from rooting the device.
Taking control from our hands, in exchange for our privacy.
DTEK can modify,change or delete your user anytime.
DTEK acts as a anti-virus that is located away from your phone and is connected via Cloud(gsm).
DTEK have access to all apps on your device, where before users could root the device and monitor what is going on by themselves.
DTEK acts as SuperUser watching and recording everything you do. And no, you have no access to the information they are collecting about the BB users via DTEK.

It is a very bad move by Blackberry/Google.
It reminds me of Windows 10, where everything you do is monitored "live", and you can't turn that prying eye off.

To our luck there are ways to Root PRIV, until next DTEK auto-update(you can turn the "auto" off)...

Think of BlackBerry PRIV as a receiver that you can only use to receive.
Other phone options are taken away by DTEK to limit user freedom on their own phone in exchnage for suposed security.
Bad trade.

I don't know the sources for your claims. I have looked at and nothing there implies what you are stating.

As far as rooting, I don't know if it is specifically DTEK that prevents it, but whatever, if the PRIV is ever rooted it will be a disaster for BlackBerry. It isn't about taking away your control in exchange for privacy, it is about the security of your data. For a serious BlackBerry user, the data is worth more than the device. If you want to root your BlackBerry I can't help but think you are using the wrong brand.

Caveat: I don't use the PRIV and won't be using an Android device of any type.
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Old 05-04-2016, 03:03 PM   #9
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Default Re: DTEK? What about core apps?

Originally Posted by aiharkness View Post
My atempts to root the PRIV which is almost impossible, is my reference.
Try to root this phone or get superUser access, you'll find a brick wall to go through.
In other words it is almost impossible to control the device they have sold me. They want me to trust them, where I know not a single thing about them, and let them see into my life via PRIV phone, literally.

Not a single thing is private on this PRIV phone. Ironic isn't it?
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Last edited by MarcinM; 05-04-2016 at 03:04 PM..
Old 05-04-2016, 03:17 PM   #10
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Default Re: DTEK? What about core apps?

No doubt. But why do you think it is DTEK? My understanding, like tsac, is that DTEK is just a monitor and a reporter. I'm asking for a reference that it is more than that. I don't believe your conclusion from your observation is correct. Not unless you have more than that. But if you learn more I'll be interested.
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- Ira
Old 05-04-2016, 03:20 PM   #11
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Default Re: DTEK? What about core apps?

By the way, I find it beyond strange when a user wants more control over their device to make it more secure, when what they actually want is probably the single thing that will make it much less secure. Obviously you disagree with that. Just an observation. Thinking out loud.
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Old 05-04-2016, 07:20 PM   #12
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Default Re: DTEK? What about core apps?

I also am having problems understanding why the need to "root" the phone. I don't know of much that the users cannot do anyway with the phone except interfere with its security.

Read this link for more info on rooting the PRIV.

How and Why the PRIV Protects Against Rooting | Inside BlackBerry
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