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Old 03-17-2016, 10:33 AM   #1
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Default BES 5 - Application Management - Force all Apps to Update?

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Hi All!

We are currently running on BES, and we don't have any existing policies in terms of software or application management. Our handsets are provided to users with whatever applications that come as standard and they are free to download applications as they wish.

We have a security request to understand whether it is possible to apply some form of mandatory policy to update all applications on our handsets wirelessly (i.e. we don't want to have a handset recall to our service desk), whether they are standard to the handset or new.

My experience with BES isn't that extensive, bar the usual day to day administration, running reports installing licenses so would like to get some more definitive answers whether this is achievable.

I did some research previously and came across these articles that appear to achieve at least some of our requirements:

The section "Complete BlackBerry Smartphone Device Software update" - Is it safe to assume that the complete update includes actual application updates for apps that come as standard (Facebook, for example?)

My thoughts after going through those two articles is that if the Complete Update covers "out the box" application, we will have a smaller task of identifying the "extra" applications users have downloaded and decide whether or not to set policies to push out newer versions of those applications.

Thanks for now!

EDIT: I'm not allowed to post direct links due to my brand new account!
Old 03-17-2016, 11:49 AM   #2
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Default Re: BES 5 - Application Management - Force all Apps to Update?

OS upgrade will not update the apps unless it is included

also you cant update the OS unless the carrier approves it

As for the apps, if on Balance, you cant control them unless in the workspace
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Old 03-17-2016, 12:14 PM   #3
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Default Re: BES 5 - Application Management - Force all Apps to Update?

Originally Posted by knottyrope View Post
OS upgrade will not update the apps unless it is included

also you cant update the OS unless the carrier approves it

As for the apps, if on Balance, you cant control them unless in the workspace
Hi Knotty,

Complete BlackBerry Smartphone Device Software update

Updates the BlackBerry Smartphone Software (including Java applications)
Approximate size of update package: 15 MB
Approximate duration of download: 30 minutes to 2 hours
Approximate duration of installation of the wireless software update, including backing up and restoring the BlackBerry smartphone data: 75 minutes to 120 minutes

Do you know what the bolded actually encompasses then? I thought it includes the standard applications that Blackberry includes out the box.

As for the OS, I wasn't aware that our Network provider had any control over what OS we have on our handsets; the handsets aren't branded to them so thought it would be stock units.
Old 03-18-2016, 04:42 AM   #4
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Default Re: BES 5 - Application Management - Force all Apps to Update?

As for the OS, I wasn't aware that our Network provider had any control over what OS we have on our handsets; the handsets aren't branded to them so thought it would be stock units.
It all depends on the home carrier of the SIM card you have in the Blackberry. So, if you have your SIM cards from, e.g., Verizon, then you can only apply the OS updates that Verizon allows. You cannot override this with a policy.
I thought it includes the standard applications that Blackberry includes out the box.
OS updates normally include updated stock apps as well (e.g. Facebook, Twitter etc.) but there could still be newer versions out there.

In BES 5, to my best knowledge, you can only push/force apps upgrades for apps that you have the source files on the server. It is not possible to force BB World apps.
Old 03-18-2016, 04:57 AM   #5
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Default Re: BES 5 - Application Management - Force all Apps to Update?

Originally Posted by freakinvibe View Post
It all depends on the home carrier of the SIM card you have in the Blackberry. So, if you have your SIM cards from, e.g., Verizon, then you can only apply the OS updates that Verizon allows. You cannot override this with a policy.

OS updates normally include updated stock apps as well (e.g. Facebook, Twitter etc.) but there could still be newer versions out there.

In BES 5, to my best knowledge, you can only push/force apps upgrades for apps that you have the source files on the server. It is not possible to force BB World apps.
Hi freak,

Thanks for that, I thought that was the case from my research that you can only explicitly update applications via a software push from the BES (which means having the source files on the server etc).
Management was hoping that BES had a functionality like we have with Apple or Android devices, whether they pretty much update all applications by themselves.
Old 03-18-2016, 07:22 AM   #6
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Default Re: BES 5 - Application Management - Force all Apps to Update?

The apps will be automatically updated through app world, but only if the user has entered a Blackberry ID. If they have, they will get notified on new updates, but the user can decline the updates.
Old 03-18-2016, 07:35 AM   #7
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Default Re: BES 5 - Application Management - Force all Apps to Update?

Originally Posted by freakinvibe View Post
The apps will be automatically updated through app world, but only if the user has entered a Blackberry ID. If they have, they will get notified on new updates, but the user can decline the updates.
This is new to me, can the above be managed/controlled via some BES Policies - i.e. configuring the device to auto log onto Blackberry App World via preconfigured user ID/Password, and then auto-update itself?
Old 03-18-2016, 07:47 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by charsiu View Post
This is new to me, can the above be managed/controlled via some BES Policies - i.e. configuring the device to auto log onto Blackberry App World via preconfigured user ID/Password, and then auto-update itself?
No, there is no such policy.
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