12-14-2015, 02:10 PM
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BES Express Support
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Not sure if this is the best place/if there's anywhere to ask about BES Express anymore but our BES users have stopped being able to send emails to external or internal recipients. I've checked permissions/updated MAPI/recreated the accounts on BES/wiped phones/made sure that sends as works for that BES Admin/run IEMSTest/recreated the MAPI profile/restarted all the services/set-up the user to run in its own static mailbox agent but the users are still not able to send emails from their phones.
The errors is always pretty much the same/not sure if someone here can advise:
[40700] (12/14 17:24:14.087):{0x3D28} {<sender>} Receiving packet from device, size=138, TransactionId=133779, Tag=9286, content type=CMIME, cmd=0x3
[30112] (12/14 17:24:14.088):{0x3D28} {<sender>} Receiving message from device, RefId=5036737, Tag=9286, TransactionId=133779, Date=14/12/2015 17:24:17
[30447] (12/14 17:24:14.211):{0x3D28} No EntryID found for =SMTP:<recipient>
[20482] (12/14 17:24:14.211):{0x3D28} ResolveNamesMAPI ResolveName(1) succeeded, but list does not contain EntryID for all items
[30147] (12/14 17:24:14.211):{0x3D28} {<sender>} MAPIMailbox::Send(ppMAPIMessage) Cleanup - HrGetOneProp (0x8004010f) failed
[30549] (12/14 17:24:14.211):{0x3D28} {<sender>} Send() failed: ERR_BAD_RECIP, RefId=5036737, Tag=9286
[40277] (12/14 17:24:14.211):{0x3D28} {<sender>} Sending message error to device for message 5036737
[40583] (12/14 17:24:14.212):{0x3D28} {<sender>} Sending packet to device, Size=45, Tag=72965,
12-14-2015, 03:31 PM
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Re: BES Express Support
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
Rocking the Motion with out lotion.
12-16-2015, 09:39 AM
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Re: BES Express Support
I've tried to follow the article as much as possible, although it doesn't list specific issues. I'm afraid the compatability matrix no longer seems to be available but I've tried what seems to be the latest version of CDO/MAPI: 6.5.8353 but it hasn't helped.
BES can definitely talk to GC. To clarify we co-host our BES server on our Exchange server.
12-16-2015, 10:34 AM
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Re: BES Express Support
what version Exchange?
What version server OS?
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
Rocking the Motion with out lotion.
12-16-2015, 10:38 AM
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Re: BES Express Support
We are using Update Rollup 8 v2 for Exchange Server 2010 SP3 with Windows 2008 R2 SP1.
12-16-2015, 11:06 AM
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Re: BES Express Support
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
Rocking the Motion with out lotion.
12-16-2015, 11:14 AM
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Re: BES Express Support
I think it's kind of supported as we use: MAPI/CDO 8.3.8353.0 (the issue started with MAPI/CDO 6.5.8244.0, I then tried: MAPI/CDO 8.3.8309.0 and are now on: MAPI/CDO 8.3.8353.0).
I'm not 100% sure but I manually set-up LDAP search and it seems to have kind of started working now.
Originally it was set to:
I tried 0 but it didn't help.
I switched it back to 1 and set: LDAPALPSearch/LDAPBaseDN/LDAPDomain/LDAPPIMSearch/LDAPTimeout and it seems to have started working again.
I have noticed this in the Event log however:
ResolveProxyMAPI(1) - pAddrBook->PrepareRecips (0x80040200) failed
Hopefully it means this is kind of working but not sure why it broke/exactly what fixed it.
12-17-2015, 12:46 PM
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Re: BES Express Support
It looks like I spoke too soon. If you don't send an email for a while it errors on the first one. If you then retry it works fine however and subsequent emails also work fine.
[40700] (12/17 11:59:30.477):{0x4A54} {user@domain.com} Receiving packet from device, size=133, TransactionId=-2145811, Tag=541946, content type=CMIME, cmd=0x3
[30112] (12/17 11:59:30.477):{0x4A54} {user@domain.com} Receiving message from device, RefId=560465, Tag=541946, TransactionId=-2145811, Date=17/12/2015 11:59:26
[20265] (12/17 11:59:30.597):{0x4A54} {user@domain.com} MAPIMailbox::Send(ppMAPIMessage) - SubmitMessage (0x80004005) failed
[20472] (12/17 11:59:30.637):{0x4A54} {user@domain.com} Send() failed: ERR_SUBMIT_MAIL, RefId=560465, Tag=541946
[40277] (12/17 11:59:30.637):{0x4A54} {user@domain.com} Sending message error to device for message 560465
[40583] (12/17 11:59:30.637):{0x4A54} {user@domain.com} Sending packet to device, Size=44, Tag=2479749, TransactionId=-697131
12-17-2015, 12:58 PM
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Re: BES Express Support
maybe point to a GC on a DC
if using 2008 a DC can block NSPI connections which can do similar
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
Rocking the Motion with out lotion.
12-17-2015, 01:18 PM
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Re: BES Express Support
I have tried increasing that to 1000 but it hasn't helped. we run 2008 R2 which does seem to require the registry key to see the errors in the Event log but there's nothing logged on the DCs for this.
12-17-2015, 01:31 PM
BlackBerry Elite
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Re: BES Express Support
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
Rocking the Motion with out lotion.