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Old 10-06-2015, 11:38 AM   #1
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Default Outlook 2013 calender entries only visible list & active view after BB sync

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Hi all,

We have a weird problem which at first we thought was to do with a corrupt Outlook PST/OST/profile but now realise the the problem seems to occur once BB desktop manager syncs (both ways) the calendar to the BB (BB Bold 9700 I think). Contacts seem to be fine.

What happens is, the calendar in Outlook (before BB sync) is fine & all appointments visible as expected but after the sync, the appointments vanish & all you can see are re-occurring reminders. You can however see the missing appointments in List or Active view (under "Change view").

If it's relevant, the user uses his BB to sync with another Outlook, which I believe is 2007 & that works OK. He sync's it with 2 laptops (which obviously isn't advised) but I think since both Outlook profiles are called "Outlook" it has worked?

Also the problem laptop has Outlook 2013 but I THINK he has recently upgraded it to 2013.

I am wondering if there is a weird compatibility issue/bug with Outlook 2013 & BB Desktop manager + calendar sync?

Any thoughts would be appreciated!!

Old 10-06-2015, 07:08 PM   #2
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Default Re: Outlook 2013 calender entries only visible list & active view after BB sync

The DM options may be set wrong. It is possible to delete PC data or BB data depending on options set.

Configure your contact synchronization options
Before you can synchronize your contacts between your BlackBerry smartphone and your computer, you need to configure your synchronization options.
Connect your smartphone to your computer.
In the BlackBerry Desktop Software, click Organizer.

Click Configure beside Contacts.

In the Sync direction drop-down list, do one of the following:

To keep contact entries the same on your smartphone and your computer, click Two way between your device and computer.

To synchronize updates to the contact entries from your computer to your smartphone, click One way to your device only. To replace all entries on your smartphone with the entries on your computer, select the Replace all entries on your device with the entries on your computer checkbox.

To synchronize updates to the contact entries from your smartphone to your computer, click One way to your computer only. To replace all entries on your computer with the entries on your smartphone, select the Replace all entries on your computer with the entries on your device checkbox.
In the Account Settings section, in the Contacts account drop-down list, click the contacts application that you use on your computer.
Click Configure. Do one of the following:
If you use Microsoft Outlook, in the Outlook Profile drop-down list, click your profile.
If you use IBM Lotus Notes, click Browse to select your .ini file. If necessary, type your password. If you don't want to be prompted for a password, clear the Prompt at every sync checkbox.
Click Close > OK.
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Old 10-07-2015, 06:59 AM   #3
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Default Re: Outlook 2013 calender entries only visible list & active view after BB sync

Hi there,

Thanks for your reply!

The issue is with the calendar only & not the contacts. We are aware of the bi-directional sync & the user needs to use it as he adds entries to his BB when on the move so one way sync is not a viable option.


Old 10-07-2015, 07:35 PM   #4
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Default Re: Outlook 2013 calender entries only visible list & active view after BB sync

There is an issue with calendar entries not being within the specific range and the BES system removes them from the users Outlook calendar. Read the link and see if the information although about Google calendar may have some similarity to the issue your seeing.

Appointments get deleted on Outlook and on the BlackBerry smartphone for a user with Google Sync installed
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