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Old 08-19-2015, 06:11 PM   #1
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Default Cold Spare...

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Can BES 12 provision more than 1 phone per user? Boss wants a cold spare in the event he loses his phone, sim and all and just wants to pull out a backup that's already provisioned and turn it on. He said he would forward his number to the phone until he had a chance to go to AT&T and move the number to the new sim. He understands that (under our AT&T plan, he will be paying 15 bucks a month just to have it sitting waiting). He's looking to remove the need to have me involved in provisioning BB and just have it already done.

So can this be done in BES 12?

He had an episode today where he dropped his torch in water and now he's on a backup phone that is not provisioned in BES because I was not around. Will likely do that tomorrow.


Last edited by roveer; 08-19-2015 at 06:13 PM..
Old 08-21-2015, 05:03 PM   #2
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Default Re: Cold Spare...

The blackberry device is secure because it works with the various id's and codes on the phone via the server. Email and calls are directed by the various services to the SIM in the phone. If he lost the SIM a new one would be required by the carrier to receive calls. Attempting to do a call forward requires the original phone or a call to ATT.
You can provision a phone to be a spare but it will still require someone to switch email and other data to the new phone.

When a message is delivered to a BlackBerry Smartphone, the Blackberry Enterprise Server will deliver it to the BlackBerry Infrastructure. The BlackBerry Infrastructure will check if the BlackBerry Smartphone is correctly provisioned, this includes having the correct SIM and IMSI assigned. If the correct SIM / IMSI is not in the BlackBerry smartphone, then the BlackBerry Infrastructure will fail the message back to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.

Have you tried to glue the phone to the boss?
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Old 08-24-2015, 09:23 AM   #3
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Default Re: Cold Spare...

BES 12 does not route it to infrastructure unless you set it up that way.
It an active sync proxy and depending on activation type, data can be routed via BlackBerry NOC or direct to your server.

You can have a hot or cold spare with out issue on BES 12. I have had 5 devices connected at the same time. 4 on wifi only and they all get the emails.
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Old 08-24-2015, 06:40 PM   #4
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Default Re: Cold Spare...

It might be easier to get a spare boss
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