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Old 03-25-2015, 10:20 PM   #1
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Default Anyone using Straight Talk or Cricket? Does it just quit?

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I've got my Passport set up on Straight talk, it will do web, email, BBM, text message, and phone. What it will not do is send a text message with a file attached. BBM will, but text won't. So I called Straight Talk's customer service.

They said the BB wouldn't work with Straight Talk. Huh? Well, it does all but send text with file attached.

I was told that initially the Passport will work on Straight Talk, but then it will just quit working.

I used chat off the Cricket web site to see if the Unlocked Passport would be supported. The Cricket guy said the same thing, it will work for a while, then suddenly quit.

Can anyone confirm? Does Straight Talk or Cricket just quit? Any features you haven't been able to get to work on them? It is sounding like ST & Cricket only want iPhones and droids. I don't want either.

Old 03-26-2015, 08:55 PM   #2
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Default Re: Anyone using Straight Talk or Cricket? Does it just quit?

It sound like the carrier discovers the use and blocks the use. ATT does the same thing when they discover a blackberry without a specific BB data plan. ATT owns Cricket and I would guess they are doing the same.
Straight Talk is a type of carrier known as an MVNO (mobile virtual network operator), which means that it doesn't run or own a wireless network. Instead, it purchases the right to use towers from AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, and Sprint. they might do the same once they see a device like the Passport
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Last edited by tsac; 03-26-2015 at 08:59 PM..
Old 03-29-2015, 07:45 PM   #3
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Default Re: Anyone using Straight Talk or Cricket? Does it just quit?

A couple of additional thoughts....

The regular carrier rep never did know much about BlackBerry. Now they don't seem to have absorbed the fact that BB10 uses regular mobile data and not BIS. For you, the user, if the carrier supports smartphones, it should support BB10 models. If they say the BlackBerry is the problem, then they are shifting blame, ignorant, or just making it up as they go along.

When you try SMS or MMS again and have trouble, look at the network type. If you have the ability to manually select, change it and try again. For example I have had intermittent trouble sending SMS when on 4G LTE. When it happens, I switch to 4G and it works.
- Ira
Old 04-01-2015, 12:28 AM   #4
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Default Re: Anyone using Straight Talk or Cricket? Does it just quit?

I'm not sure why they should limit the Passport. They support tons of andriod phones, which I do not want to use. I bought a 1 month card for talk text and data. But I'm thinking I may go to an actual Cricket store and talk to someone. I love this Passport, except for the unfortunately short notifications. Sprint can't support it, so I'm looking around. If Straight Talk is AT&T, it should work. I had it on AT&T for a few days, but AT&T just doesn't get the signal strength Sprint does out here. But AT&T never said it wouldn't work, or would quit working. So I keep the reliable Sprint Q10 in my purse and carry the Passport, still seeing where I do and don't have signal.

Thanks ya'll.
Old 04-01-2015, 07:32 PM   #5
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Default Re: Anyone using Straight Talk or Cricket? Does it just quit?

AT&T advertises they have a superior network but in reality the service is very limited in some areas and states. I was traveling in the Northeast and while on the highway going between Connecticut and New York to Manhattan, I found their 4gLTE service was very poor and the data speeds were less than 1.5 meg during the daytime. In some states it exceeds 7meg. I also use a Sprint cell phone and so far no issues.
The carriers are all in a contest to grab customers. The best thing to do is use the one that is best in your area and ignore the hype
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Old 04-02-2015, 03:36 PM   #6
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Default Re: Anyone using Straight Talk or Cricket? Does it just quit?

at home I get over 40mbs download speed and at work 20 miles away I can get 50 but at a friends house in the city I can only get maybe 15
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Old 04-05-2015, 01:18 PM   #7
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Default Re: Anyone using Straight Talk or Cricket? Does it just quit?

@cowgirl05 Did you talk to Cricket? I'm curious what you have learned.
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Old 04-05-2015, 08:05 PM   #8
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Default Re: Anyone using Straight Talk or Cricket? Does it just quit?

Originally Posted by knottyrope View Post
at home I get over 40mbs download speed and at work 20 miles away I can get 50 but at a friends house in the city I can only get maybe 15

if your talking about cell service and getting that speed and I can get at best 2 or 3 meg then I need to move to your town.
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Old 06-06-2015, 09:53 AM   #9
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Default Re: Anyone using Straight Talk or Cricket? Does it just quit?

Currently been using cricket since Jan 2015, they popped nano sim in my passport and its rocked ever since not one problem, and the prices are very reasonable.

Located in Norfolk VA.
Old 09-29-2015, 09:54 PM   #10
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Default Re: Anyone using Straight Talk or Cricket? Does it just quit?

So this is an update. I did get a Cricket card. I've been using Cricket every since probably May or June. It really DOES do everything! I can send files, I can do a group text, BBM works peachy can as does my email and internet. I would say Cricket has straight talk beat hands down! It has the kind of bad AT&T signal, Sprint still beats it, but still Sprint has nothing to offer me so Q10 still lives in my purse and Passport goes with me everywhere. I'm really grateful for Cricket. I can have my unlocked Passport and not have to worry about what kind of junk some carrier wants to stick me with.
Old 09-30-2015, 08:35 AM   #11
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Default Re: Anyone using Straight Talk or Cricket? Does it just quit?

Glad your doing good.
FYI Cricket is owned by ATT and hopefully will leave it alone to continue the levels they offer. Time will tell.

Today I see 2.3 meg download in Stamford Ct and I blame kottyrope for grabbing all the bandwidth
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Old 09-30-2015, 10:15 AM   #12
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Default Re: Anyone using Straight Talk or Cricket? Does it just quit?

I did knot do it
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter

Rocking the Motion with out lotion.
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