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Old 06-27-2014, 04:02 AM   #1
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Default Z30 / 10.3 OS minimum Font size for html mail ?

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I am willing to make another attempt to move from my 9700 to a newer device built by Blackberry....

But, unless Blackberry makes it possible to specifiy a minimum font size for (html) mail or is able to force mail to plain text, I wont be able to use OS10. I maybe could use the Z30 because it has the same resution as the Z10 series but a larger screen as a workaround.

I read, that 10.2 includes a minimum font option for email, but when I downloaded a current 10.3 simulator, I found, that still only the UI font can be enlarged, not html email (which is pretty useless, because the UI is readable, but email with 8pt is not).

Does anyone know if it is still true that OS10 is only for people younger then 40 years ?
Old 06-27-2014, 10:15 AM   #2
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Default Re: Z30 / 10.3 OS minimum Font size for html mail ?

I am 46 and don't have that issue but you can pinch zoom on the text in an email in the latest OS and read it large

on a web page I use reader or double tap the text to make it bigger
I had to fall
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Old 06-27-2014, 11:04 AM   #3
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Default Re: Z30 / 10.3 OS minimum Font size for html mail ?

Hello Knotty,
Thanks for your reply, but this is no good news.

Most personal mail reads ok, but mailings or similar I receive often is formatted in a way which makes it difficult to read.
I still think, why should I get a system which is harder to use (zoom and drag) then the one I already have which works perfect.

Btw, winphone is able to enlarge email.
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Old 06-30-2014, 11:04 AM   #4
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Default Re: Z30 / 10.3 OS minimum Font size for html mail ?

the issue is HTML coding and the device renders it in default state

9700 did not really render in HTML but changed it to text sort of

I find on latest OS my mails look fine an not many have to be enlarged anymore
I had to fall
To lose it all
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It doesn't even matter

Rocking the Motion with out lotion.
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