Argument is not nullable while using pish.openListener
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Hi ,
I am trying to register my device to blackberry server using:
blackberry.push.openBISPushListener(ops, this.onData, this.onRegister, this.onSimChange);
But i get the following error: Argument is not nullable
My code is as follows:
registerForNotifications : function() {
try {
var ops = {
port : NotificationConstants.bbPort,
appId : NotificationConstants.bbAppId,
serverUrl : NotificationConstants.bbServerUrl,
wakeUpPage : 'push.htm',
maxQueueCap : NotificationConstants.bbMax
console.log("BB PORT "+NotificationConstants.bbPort)
blackberry.push.openBISPushListener(ops, this.onData, this.onRegister, this.onSimChange);
} catch (err) {
alert('openBisError ' + err);
Where am i going wrong?
Thanks in advance.